205 to 173 - Halfway to goal!

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  • you look great!

    maybe its because they are covered, but your arms do look noticably smaller.
  • Your arms are definitely smaller! After a couple weeks of toning them at the gym, I'm sure you will see the difference that we all do You really look great. Congratulations! It's very inspiring. I'm sure you danced a little gig of glee when you hit the 150's and I am planning to do the same, one day
  • Boy, what a transformation you have made. Your arms do look smaller by the way.
  • Thank you so much to everyone who has replied to my thread. Your encouragement feels awesome!

    Update...I recently hit 159, though I think water weight put me back to 160 for a day or two. No big deal. Some good, some bad since I created this thread. I've come to the conclusion that I just cannot go to the gym and learn to enjoy it. I gave it my honest effort for a couple months, but I'm just not feeling it. So what do you think I should do? I have to exercise, but it seems impossible to find something I actually like doing. I know that if I go without exercising I'll probably gain back a lot of the weight I've lost. That terrifies me. But I hate the gym!


  • Wow, you're doing great!! I envy your tiny arms And yes, I do see a big difference!

    How's fitness facilities where you live? They're quite good here, so much to choose from I'm not a big group person, so I like solitary things. At the moment I'm just walking with my iPod on (is it realistic for you to walk more, even just as a basis for new exercise habits?). I love speed skating (wish I could go more often ), and swimming. I don't mind the gym but I wouldn't say it's my favourite (no ££ for a membership right now, so I'll see later if my tastes have changed!). How do you feel about doing DVDs? If you have good self-discipline a short one might be the way to go. I just ordered 30 Day Shred as so many people rave about it, and it's under 30 mins Maybe worth a try? Can you go rollerblading or do a C25K? If team sports are more appealing, are there any you can join? Roller derby? Snowboarding? Dance classes? Studying while on the elliptical, if you can pick one up? If the gym's just too boring, maybe martial arts to focus your mind as well, or yoga? I know it doesn't burn major calories, but if you enjoy it, it might be worth a shot? I'm going to try the climbing wall with a friend soon, maybe that?

    Maybe you need a combination of things that just don't feel like EXERCISE. Is there a charity bike run you can train for, or something along those lines? Sorry, just spouting off every thing that's coming into my head!!

    Anyway, congrats again, and I'm sure you'll find something you enjoy with a bit of experimentation!
  • You look really nice. Shopping and fear of Diabetes was a big factor to me. I refused to buy any fall clothes. I have been wearing the same clothes over and over again, and I will not buy anything until summer. I am at 205 now and my min-goal is 180.
  • McMurphy, I use exercise DVDs. Right now I do Leslie Sansone 1 and 2 mile walk. I progress as I go along.
  • Mcmurphy, do you know what it is about the gym that puts you off? If you could figure that out, there may be some change you could make so that you could enjoy it.
    Or what about more social activities, like a class? Even a bicycle or regular power walking and a set of dumbells in the spare room will work, it just has to be something you will stick with. Sometime a class with others you can look forward to seeing can do this... Rock climbing, volley ball team, whatever works.

    Well done so far, your instinct to make this a lifestyle change and not a diet is spot on. Look for more... um... active activities and keep loving yourself, you look great!
  • You look great! Good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • are bananas fattening?
  • I'm sure you've heard of Jillian Michaels, from The Biggest Loser...? Well, she has a killer body and is very open about hating to exercise. So, when she does go to the gym, she does 30-45 minutes and just works really hard. Honestly, I think a LOT of people hate exercising in general, but the results keep them going. You look so fabulous, it would be a shame to go backwards. Maybe if you are really careful with your calories, you won't need to go as much? Also, I really like to just ride my bike outside, when I can or listen to good music on my headphones at the gym helps, too.
    Good luck and congratulations on how far you've come! You look like a completely different person.
  • You look terrific...Congratulations and keep up the good work!
  • Awesome - WTG!
  • One of my favorite things a friend told me was that she hates to exercise, but loves to play. Exercise is work. Is there anything physical that you enjoy doing? I love walking my dog, so we just started doing the C25K (I downloaded it for free onto my phone). Have you thought about using that? I know I personally enjoy working towards a goal. Exercise for the sake of losing weight isn't very motivating for me. So my goal is to be able to run a 5K by December. You've come so so far already! It's very inspiring to see those photos! For your arms (which have gotten smaller from the first pic btw!) I recommend swimming. They also have wrist weights you can wear while you walk or do other things. Have you thought about group dance classes like Zumba or something? Does your gym have classes? If so, you should try a few to see if any are interesting to you. Good luck!
  • You are SOOOOOOOOOO inspirational. We have the SAME EXACT body type! I could have sworn that was a tiny-bit-thinner me in your before photos. I'm glad I could see what my body will be like when I lose the weight and I like what I'm seeing. KEEP IT UP! Great job. Your arms looks great to me!