Any word nerds out there?

  • I've been on this site for close to a year now and feel like I know a lot of you personally. I thought I'd take this opportunity to introduce you to my blog, the E.G.G. (English Grammar Gripe). If you're so inclined, check out my latest post ("a grammarian's New Year's resolutions") and come follow me at Feedback is always welcome.

    Best New Year's wishes to all.

  • Funny!
  • Awesome. My online grammar suffers often from haste, but I grew up with a stickler for a mom.
  • I shared the link on my FB page, and also printed it for my own reminder.
  • Cute!
  • Love it!! We all make mistakes from time to time, but there are some that are unforgivable. I don't know if it's an odd form of OCD or maybe it's just ingrained in me, but when I see misspelled or misused words on a sign, It's almost physically painful. I am tempted to carry a sharpie with me to correct them or to add words, i.e., "Employee's Only" becomes, "Employee's Only Break Room" implying there is only one place for such activities. I wonder how so many companies are able to operate with only one person working there. Or maybe there's another room somewhere labeled, "All Other Employees' Only Break Room."

    I had an especially good chuckle at a fortune cookie I received a few weeks ago. It reads, "What is not started will never get finish." I looked at it with the same fingernails-on-chalkboard feeling that the sign gave me and had to correct it with a red pen. It hangs on my cubicle wall. (I write insurance contract language for a living.)

    So, yes, there are others out there that share your feelings. I just signed up to follow your blog and can't wait to share with my coworkers.
  • As a MOD, I can sneak in and edit mistakes but I've given up lately. I will edit post titles though. Weight/weigh and Adkins are my two pet peeves.
    Fight on!
  • I love your blog! But I will now cringe with self consciousness as I think how horrible I spell and write all over these boards, and on my own blog. I must drive some people crazy!!!
  • I spent the day doing some training at my new job, a health care practice. Every time I saw "deductable," I cringed. I spent a lot of time cringing.

    Ruthxxx, weigh/weight and lose/loose make me crazy.
  • Freelance, I've bookmarked your blog.

    On this site, I frequently see "loose" instead of "lose".
  • I would advise that you not visit Japan. English is considered "stylish," so there's horribly slaughtered words and phrases everywhere.

    A woman came into work today wearing a sweater that said "I have lovery memory's." While I've more or less resigned myself to l/r confusion, that "memory's" will haunt my dreams tonight.