
  • I was almost down to 150. Then a wonderful thing happened in my life. I am adopting a 3 year old boy who moved in with me in April. The adoption should be final very soon. However, I let that, combined with other life happenings, get me off track and now instead of being to goal by now I am at 180! I'm getting back to it now though. He needs mommy to be healthy for many more years, so here I am.
  • He's adorable, congrats! And he's a good reason to get back on track. Good luck!
  • How wonderful!
  • Awwww ... what a cutie! Congrats on your new son. Now back to work., you can do it!
  • How wonderful that you and that sweet little boy with have each other!!!

    You've lost the weight before, you can do it again. First off, forgive yourself for gaining some of it back. Next, Plan, plan, and plan some more. Also, try and make healthy eating a priority.

    Happy Day!!!!!
  • Fantastic news! Congrats on the adoption!!!!
    Take time to celebrate and enjoy the moment, but then it's time to get back on plan! It's important to model healthy behavior for our kids :-)
  • Thanks everyone.

    Mozzy - Yes, especially when you're already trying to reverse horrible habits that were developed during the first 3 years.
  • Congratulations and good luck! With everything. with Life, as you titled your post. What a great joy to have this little guy in your life.

  • Congratulations! I'm not a parent, but I can think of no better inspiration than to be a healthy model for your kid! All the best to you both!
  • Congratulations!!! That's wonderful news!!

    It's soooo easy to let life sidetrack our goals. I know I sure did!!! But you noticed and stopped it!! Awesome!!!
  • Congrats that is so awesome!! I've had LIFE weight gain too which has involved getting out of an unhappy marriage and meeting the man of my dreams. So many emotions and changes for me have lead to a 35 pound gain but I am back on it now.

    Enjoy that baby boy and a healthy Mommy is a happy Mommy!!!
  • Nikki - part of mine is a marriage that I apparently need to get out of, so I'm with you on that part.
  • I'm adopted and all I can say is that you are doing a wonderful thing by adopting that little boy and giving him a better life. Don't worry about the weight set back, you'll be fine