sigh... I'm back

  • I hoped I'd never need to make a thread like this.

    Last time I was on here was only 5 months ago... how much can change in 5 months.
    Some of you may remember me from the bikini challenge... and I rocked my bikini in Mexico
    on the right.

    Then I had to move to a different city for my schooling (my last hospital placement). And I was not myself there, I didn't really fit in with any of the other students, but I'd try, I drank too much, ate out too much etc. Then I'd feel rejected when I found out that all of them would do something minus me... it wasn't a great time for me then.
    I was also training for a half marathon that my brother was making me do. I told him I wouldn't be ready, that I had too much going on. Part of me thinks I binged and everything just to prove that I wouldn't be ready.
    I finished my hospital placement, and had a month before I had to write my national exam (and just a month and a week till my 1/2 marathon). I had a lot of stress, mostly about my exam - this exam decided if I could work in canada or not. So I combatted that with ice cream and cookies.
    Needless to say... this is just a long rant about how I fell very hard off the wagon.
    But I passed my exam, and I finished my half marathon

    and now I'm back
  • Congrats about the exam and the half marathon. Welcome back. Hop back on the wagon with us. It's a bumpy road, so sometimes we will fall off, but hopefully we don't get bruised too much and we will make it there eventually.
  • I remember you! Welcome back. Congrats on passing that exam and I admire anyone who runs in any type of race (marathon, 1/2, 5k..)
  • Welcome back!
    I was on here about 5 months ago to, then I fell off the wagon hard.
    Like 30lbs hard.... Oopsie.

    Congrats on passing your exam and finishing our half marathon! That is so inspiring.
  • Welcome Back .. Im back on the wagoon too after falling off and becoming my heaviest weight ever. Congrats on your exam and half marathon
  • I'm back too....good luck We can do this!
  • At least we're all back, I guess falling off the wagon is part of the process.
    I wish I hadn't of fallen so hard but thats ok and in the past now. Just have to work hard to get it all off again
    Thanks so much for the congrats
    And I remember you too Val!
  • I gained a good 20 pounds which is why Im back so dont feel bad. Stress is my biggest trigger to. But congrads on the marathon and exam! ^.^