Scrambled eggs and rice

  • So I'm sitting here thinking of a good pre-workout snack, when I think of this: a scrambled egg paired with rice! We have these little single serving things of Uncle Ben's whole grain brown rice, and if I threw some egg in it, would it not be like having fried rice, just, well, not fried? I think I may have just come up with something brilliant, lol!
  • I do something like this all the time with left over rice... I'll use a non stick pan and sauté some left over rice and veggies, add some soy sauce or hosin sauce or whatever asian inspired condiments that are in the fridge (e.g. maybe some duck sauce or something like that...) Not a lot, just a tbsp or two... just to add some flavor... and then throw some egg in... So it's like take out fried rice, but without all the oil...

    It's pretty filling and very tasty... and if you go heavy on the veggies, it's not that bad from a carb standpoint... maybe only about a half cup of rice per serving or so... You could also add left over chicken, or shrimp, or beef... or if you want something vegetarian add some tofu, or seitan, or some other meat alternative that you like...

    P.S. Sorry, I just saw that you are looking for a pre-workout snack, so my idea is probably a bit heavy for that... Your idea sounds good though... simple and quick with a good mix of carb and protein before your work out.... Enjoy!
  • My DH is Filipino and he eats rice with everything including eggs in the morning for breakfast. He is not happy if there is no rice for dinner.
  • I think that sounds pretty delicious!! I used to take rice, eggs, chop up carrots and green onion and fry everything, tastes kind of like Panda Express (just more fresh lol). You have to be careful with rice though. If you want to eat it you have to go work out within the next 40-60 mins because rice,unlike other carbs, stores as fat so fast! I try avoiding rice all along, but it's so good ! =/
  • It sounds like it would be great for breakfast or lunch... I would put Chipotle hot sauce on it... or even some fresh pico de gallo
  • I like a runny egg over rice. My college boyfriend was Ecuadorian and he did that all the time for breakfast.
    Yum, I love the way the yolk mixes in.