What do you do

  • What do you do when you have had a long day at work, and looking at an even longer one coming up? What do you do when your daughter thinks she is ruler of the roost, and she is only 5? What do you do when you have words with your future husband, and everything in the kitchen is calling your name? You go to bed, lol. Thats what I'm doing ladies. I hope everyone had a wonderful day. Mine could have been a **** of alot better, but I think I am going to end it before I make it worse. Hope to get to catch up some tomarrow. Take care all of you.
  • You get out your "grateful book", and write down all the good things you can think of. Even if it's only one thing. Like being grateful for your lovely little 5 year old. Think of the postive and not the negative, and you can surely turn your frame of mind right around.
    Hope you have a better day today!
  • great choice, aradia... sometimes sleeping is REALLY the best and only solution. when i'm really stressed and heading for the kitchen, if i stop and think about it, i'm often too tired to cope with whatever is going on and sleep is the solution, not cookies or mac and cheese or whatever i'd been heading for...
  • Yep, sleep can be the best medicine for me, too. A dark room, a peaceful CD, and sleep. Sometimes I just "quit." I tell my kids and my boyfriend that I've had enough, and I quit. Yeah, it's only for the night, but they respect that. Well, like they have a choice?
  • I used to go "on strike". They had whatever they could find for supper and I retired to the bedroom with a book. Things always seemed better the next day.
    I hope today is better for you.
  • I agree with Ruth - but I lie on the couch in plain sight (because they are going to come and find me if I go in the bedroom!) and announce that mother dear is tired and exhausted, and then the girls generally can do a lot for themselves (my oldest is going on 10). I like to bring a few magazines or a Nancy Drew or my journal along to the couch, and a soft blanket to hide under. Rest really IS better than a snack!

  • Look at it is a positive day!
    You have a job to have a bad day at
    Be grateful that inside that little girl is a woman waiting to emerge, she is learning to be strong and assertive, 2 traits all sucessful women have!
    You have a man in your life that loves you & that you are comfortable enough with to talk about the problems that crop up so they can be addressed.
    The food....well be glad it is there & with the knowledge that you yourself are a strong woman that can resist any unhelathy snack, knowing you deserve to treat yourself to a healthy lifstyle!