Do you think?

  • I am kinda curious what other people's intake is on this.....
    Do you think that after a few weeks of consistent losing, most call it plateaus, but my thought is that it is your body's way of adjusting and then you will start losing again. I have had good numbers for 3 weeks, then on week 4 nothing...I'm not worried at all about it....but I am just wondering if anyone else thinks that your body just needs time to adjust to this new way of eating and getting adjusted to it? Any thoughts on this?
  • Quote: my thought is that it [plateau] is your body's way of adjusting and then you will start losing again.
    I may well be wrong, but I've never really believed this. What does "your body's way of adjusting" really mean? Why and what does your body need to adjust? I attribute plateaus to random fluctuations unless they go on for two months or more. In such a case a plateau may signal that your lower-weight body now needs fewer calories to maintain itself. For shorter plateaus, I agree that continuing with the plan that enabled you to lose weight will eventually yield results.

  • I think everyone wants weight loss to be linear, i.e., "1-2 pounds a week" and really while it over the long term will look that way, it goes down and then stalls, and then down a lot, then stalls, and stalls or then a few pounds up and stalls. I figure if I'm gaining and tracking my food and calories, THEN after a week or so (because being a girl cycles count) I'd retweak things. I really don't know if we adjust or not, but those are my thoughts.
  • Well, I do think that your body 'adjusts.' We have all heard about how your body retains water differently depending on how much water you drink or exercise you do or your metabolism starting earlier if you eat breakfast or slowing down if you eat too few calories. You body knows that you are changing something and it doesn't always want you to. The body isn't programmed to want to lose weight - but rather pack it on so that you have extra in times of famine. I think long plateaus mean you need to spice something up - eating habits or exercise - so that your body continues to change. Short ones can definitely be normal fluxuations or TOM. Just don't get discouraged and keep fighting the good fight. (I may not be right about any of this, but it is my impression and opinions. Take it with a grain of salt.)
  • I dont think so also. Our Body needs what it required but its our mind set up that we force to do what we want. This is my opinion.
  • Quote: I think long plateaus mean you need to spice something up - eating habits or exercise - so that your body continues to change.
    I agree with this. What I meant earlier is that I don't agree with the theory that a longer plateau signals the body's need for an "adjustment" period, after which it will start shedding weight again (WITHOUT any change in regimen).
