once again...

  • i've been on and off of this website for quite some time now. the fact that i couldn't consistently make myself post, or follow through on any of the challenges that i committed to made me feel like a failure.

    i've been unable to commit to losing weight, because of a certain factor in my life. it had me convinced that i shouldn't lose the weight. that i should just stay the way that i am now. that's not what i want.

    i've realized that it's ok for me to think of myself for once. instead of constantly worrying about what i need to do to keep other people happy. i need to lose the weight. or i'm going to live my life hating the way i look, and the way that i feel. that's no way to live life, and i certainly want no parts of it. so here i am once again. recommitting to not a diet, but a lifestyle change. i'm here for me. to make me, and my life better.

    i've asked for weight loss buddies on here before, and to those of you who tried to reach out and i fell short, i apologize. but i'm going to make the effort this time. any support would be much appreciated.
  • you can do this!
  • I'm not following any plan or diet either, but an all over lifestyle change that I can sustain (unlike previous attempts). We can do this!!!
  • I'm so happy you have come back for you this time around. That is exactly how it should be. You should never want to lose weight for anyone else other than yourself. We are all here to support each other and I'm sure we all have faith in each other. Good luck! You can do it.
  • yeah, just get moving. or cut out soda or something. you don't need to do anything crazy or drastic to kick-start your weight-loss. if setting up difficult challenges was too hard for you, start with small ones.

    i've also been on-an-off on this site for about 2 years, and now i'm back again and trying again, and baby steps is the way to go. and i might fall off again, but even if i do, i'm still gonna give it my best for now.

    good luck.
  • thank you everybody.

    i'm glad i'm back. it's nice to know that the community on here will have my back, even after my many failed attempts. i feel like this time i can do this.

    we all can.
  • Quote: yeah, just get moving. or cut out soda or something. you don't need to do anything crazy or drastic to kick-start your weight-loss. if setting up difficult challenges was too hard for you, start with small ones.
    I totally agree! Start small!

    It might take you years to get where you want to be, but if you stayed the same where would you be years from now anyway?

    Good luck We're all here for you.