Increase in Hangovers?

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  • I'm curious if anyone has experienced the same thing, or if anyone knows why this might happen.

    About 20lbs ago, I would virtually never get a hangover. I'd have 8-9 beers in a night and feel like iron woman. The next day, my hangovers were typically negligible, if I had any.

    Now, I feel like I'm turning into a lightweight... Only, the effects I desire from alcohol are no longer there. I don't really get buzzed or have a good time anymore. But I do get massively hungover from what feels like a small amount of alcohol. I recently had 4 drinks and it turned into the worst hangover of my life... splitting headache, nausea, vomiting, etc., a full day after the fact.

    It's getting to a point where drinking has more downsides for me, so I'm trying to stop. But why is it making me so sick now? I'm almost worried about my health because I can't handle it, but that might be paranoia. I have no real reason to think I was more hydrated before, but maybe I did carry more water with the extra pounds..?
  • It definitely sounds like it isn't a good thing anymore! Not if it is making you sick PLUS not enjoying while you are drinking. Seems kind of pointless with that combo!


    Before you lost weight were you eating during and/or after drinking, whereas you aren't now? Are you drinking on an empty stomach?

    That's really the only thing I can think of. I haven't had a hangover in many years, even through all my weight loss; although I never drink much, just a few glasses of wine or a few beers with the hubby at home.
  • ... Why on earth are you drinking that many beers, hangovers aside?

    Yes, alcohol affects a smaller body more quickly and strongly than a larger body, our blood alcohol content is changed more dramatically than someone bigger due to them having a larger fluid volume to dilute that same quantity alcohol into, among other things.

    Beer and wine in moderation won't pose health issues for anyone small OR large, and so drinking one or two may be a wiser and healthier tactic than getting drunk to the point of a hangover. Pace yourself, eat while drinking and have plenty of water between each serving of alcohol. Then lay off the frat boy quantities of booze. There are better ways to enjoy a party than buzzed.

    /I'm a weird 26 year old, I know, but come on! Who needs to be drunk for fun? I'm trying hard not to be judgmental but sheesh!
  • I don't get hangovers like what you mentioned (never have, knock on wood), but barring exceptions that include overeating, I am too drunk to drive after two beers these days and I have been waking up feeling like "crap, I STILL can't drive, how will I get to work" if I have 3 or more in an evening.

    I think the noticeable change from "before" can be chalked up to (A) being smaller --> lower tolerance and (B) being more sensitive to and aware of effects of foreign substances on your body.
  • Definitely get drunk faster, I used to be able to put back 4 coolers before feeling any effects, last time I went out I was buzzed after a single prosecco and OJ, and DRUNK after another coffee martini after that.

    I've only once had a hangover, after my friend's 25th birthday's pub crawl, and still don't get hung over now at 14 lbs lighter.
  • I don't know why I drank that much... I just always held it pretty well and I've never felt "wasted" or anything like that. I guess it took a lot to effect me. I think I'll just lay off it for a while and see if someday I don't get hungover so bad. 1-3 drinks might suit me just fine now.

    It's also quite possible that I used to eat more between drinks... Maybe I'm just much more conscious of what I eat and limit snacking. Anyway, I'm just glad I'm not the only one. That last time when I kept throwing up from a hangover had me kind of worried. I've felt queasy once or twice the next day but that was after a lot more than just 4 drinks.
  • FWIW, I still have a low tolerance, 7 years after losing weight. On the plus side, I'm a cheap date! 2-3 drinks MAX.
  • I definitely can't drink like I used to. Yeah, I've started actually getting hangovers now. I never used to. I've also noticed that my tolerance has dramatically decreased - to the point that I've gotten accidentally drunk a couple times along this journey. Accidental meaning I was aiming for a little buzz, and the amount that used to do that, got me drunk instead. The last time it happened was New Year's Eve, which was 30 pounds ago, so once again I have NO idea where that line is. Certainly saves me money when I go out!
  • Quote: ... Why on earth are you drinking that many beers, hangovers aside?

    Yes, alcohol affects a smaller body more quickly and strongly than a larger body, our blood alcohol content is changed more dramatically than someone bigger due to them having a larger fluid volume to dilute that same quantity alcohol into, among other things.

    Beer and wine in moderation won't pose health issues for anyone small OR large, and so drinking one or two may be a wiser and healthier tactic than getting drunk to the point of a hangover. Pace yourself, eat while drinking and have plenty of water between each serving of alcohol. Then lay off the frat boy quantities of booze. There are better ways to enjoy a party than buzzed.

    /I'm a weird 26 year old, I know, but come on! Who needs to be drunk for fun? I'm trying hard not to be judgmental but sheesh!
    I don't really think she asked to be preached to...
  • Too bad! On a forum that deal with food issues there are a surprising number of other issues and even outright addictions that come up. Drinking 4-8 beers isn't healthy behavior for most women, and neither is requiring inebriation for social enjoyment. Those are deeper issues that are concerning. And her post further down clarified it a bit. But binge drinking to the point of getting a hangover, especially if it happens regularly, isn't something to condone. Weight issues and nausea can be the LEAST of the problems associated with drinking to excess, especially as a regular thing.

    To the OP, that's an astute observation - you could very well be eating less with your alcohol, but your tolerance would still be lower with a lower weight even if all factors remained the same. Take the beer, when you have it, very slowly and with lots of water. That way you can both feel the effects coming on before it goes too far and you can enjoy the same amount of alcohol longer. Think of it as mindful drinking, instead of mindful eating.
  • hah I didn't initially think I was being preached to... But I think my life story is more complicated than what would be interesting for this thread...probably more fitting for a licensed therapist. lol Drinking's not for everyone, but it sure was for me. I'm glad I enjoyed that period because I genuinely enjoyed it. I've simply burnt out whatever mechanism produced that buzz so I'm moving on. Now I was just curious why it makes me so sick... I guess I'm just one to wonder why things happen, even if it seems benign. Guess my question's been answered. ty all.
  • Astrid, I also haven't experienced hangover in a long time. On the fourth of July, I had two beers in a 9 hour time frame. Maybe 3.

    The next day I was hungover! I was nauseous, headache and just didn't feel well at at all. That's just not possible after 3 beers in 9 hours, is it?

    So what else was different about the 4th? Sugar. Lots of carbs in the way of chips, candies, fry bread and cookies. Then there was the fact that I drank less than half the water I usually drink in a day, and we were out doors the entire time. It was cold, but muggy.

    I think what it was for me was sugar hangover and dehydration. Makes sense to me!

    I think your smaller size, maybe not eating as much as you used to, and not drinking enough water are probably all factors to your hangover.
  • It might be a combination of less of you and that you're watching what you eat. Bigger people can usually drink more and not get drunk and if you were eating more that likely helped.

    Just be careful. Think of it as a learning experience: you now know your tolerance so you can drink less to get the same effect you did before you lost weight. Also positively this means less money and less calories!


    /I'm a weird 26 year old, I know, but come on! Who needs to be drunk for fun? I'm trying hard not to be judgmental but sheesh!
    Don't worry! Not weird! I'm 24 and don't find it appealing either. I don't drink at all. I found out I didn't like the feeling when I got a bit buzzed from drinking a few glasses of wine when I was studying in Italy. I also hate the taste, so why bother?

    Friends like it (as does my fiance) because it means there is always someone to drive!

    It's also fun to be the only sober person around!
  • Quote: It's also fun to be the only sober person around!
    Funny, I can't stand being around too-drunk people regardless of my own state!

    I had two drinks last night - one Malibu & Diet Coke and one Coors Light an hour after. I feel really sluggish and gross today.
  • I went through a phase where I was drinking A LOT, and my tolerance definitely went up during that time... as did my episodes of binge eating and subsequently, my weight.

    It never took me much more than a couple of drinks to get drunk, but I could keep drinking all night long... 15-20 drinks... and never seem to get any more intoxicated. I never really had hangovers either.

    Now I live a pretty healthy lifestyle, and on the rare occasion that I drink (once every 6 weeks or so unless I'm deployed) I usually choose wine. I think the combination of my lower tolerance, lower body weight, and the different alcohol adds up to a perfect recipe for a hangover. I ALWAYS feel like crap the next day! My body just isn't used to having to deal with alcohol!

    These days I can still keep drinking all night long, but I am legitimately drunk after 1 large glass of wine... definitely after 2 of them.