Optimistic and motivated

  • Hi everyone! Found this great site and wanted to offer support to others as well as get support on my weight loss journey. Let the pain, fun, and reward begin.
  • Welcome! I started this week too and I've already learned so much by browsing through some of the posts here
  • Thanks
    Yeah there is so much good info here. I was and am aware about some things I have read but its hard working alone and without a good support system. I would really like a workout buddy but am prepared to solo it.

  • Welcome!! Good luck with your efforts!!! YOU can do it!!
  • Yay!
    I love how you said fun, I love working out I think it is great fun. You just got to find something that you enjoy and then you won't even need a workout buddy(:
  • Thanks Liliann now more than ever I feel I can do it. My weight has yo-yoed for years. Just trying to take any negative things in life and use it as motivation for my success and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Yeah I can agree that finding an enjoyable activity is key but I really like the idea of a buddy. Ironically basketball was my life in high school. Kind of feel out of love with it. Now refocusing my attention on other activities. I have been coming of with some ideas as to have variations in my workout.