Here's an idea for how to make sure you get enough water each day.

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  • Thirsty: drink
    Not thirsty: I'm good.

  • Thanks so much for posting this! It’s just what I needed to help with water intake, I struggle drinking enough water every day, I am just never thirsty!
  • That's very cool! Great idea! I should mark my bottle! On my work days, I have an easier time drinking. On my days off, I have a harder time getting it all in. It's great to have that visual reminder!

    I use a Power Bottle Power Jug, which holds 80oz if filled to the neck, and make it my goal to finish it every day. I carry it with me everywhere, and people think I'm strange. I have my purse and my water bottle practically everywhere I go.
  • Quote: Thirsty: drink
    Not thirsty: I'm good.

    Science has shown that if you don't drink until you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated so your method won't work.

    The original poster has a great idea.
  • This is so smart and makes it so simple! Great idea.
  • Quote: Science has shown that if you don't drink until you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated so your method won't work.

    The original poster has a great idea.
    Dehydration, the kind that is severe, where I have headaches can barely function, and my urine is dark brown, is quite different from being merely thirsty.

    Our body has these mechanisms (hunger, thirst, the urge to pee) for a reason. Hints to urge us to act. Without them, there is no reason to do anything. Our bodies are smarter than we give them credit for. I'm not surprised people think they have to regulate their water intake as they do their food when so many people here think a little bit of hunger needs to be avoided at all costs...

    If your body needs it, it will give you a sign.
  • QuarterLife, that line of thinking is all well and good, but a lot of people who need to lose weight aren't great at responding to their bodies' signals. Besides, what if when my body tells me I'm thirsty, all I do is drink Coke?

    I think this is a great idea! It would also prevent me from realizing at 9pm I need to get another 2 cups of water in, then having to pee all night long!
  • I LOVE this!!! One of the things I really really struggle with is getting enough water. I am absolutely going to implement this!
  • Quote: Thirsty: drink
    Not thirsty: I'm good.


    I agree with this.

    Our bodies are very adept in knowing what it needs; but our minds/emotions/etc & taste buds often override the body's natural on/off button. We eat when we're not hungry, drink when we're not thirsty, and hey, then we get fat & wonder "what the...????"

    Learning to pay attention to our natural body needs isn't easy - especially for those with addictions (alcoholics drink, binge eaters binge, etc.) If we could all just simply eat when we're hungry, stop eating when we're full, drink when we're thirsty - we'd not be an overweight society with billions of dollars wasted in weight loss industry.

    However, I'm also aware that little "tricks" like the one the OP mentions is just what some people need. So hey, whatever works, I always say!!
  • Quote: Thirsty: drink
    Not thirsty: I'm good.


    Ditto. My entire approach to weight control is based on the K.I.S.S. (keep it simple, stupid) philosophy.

  • LOL I like the idea!

    Although, I too drink when my body tells me to. Besides I love water and hate anything else (juice, soda...etc) so all I drink is water, but I guess for those who have a hard time, THIS TRICK IS AWESOME.
  • That's pretty rigid but a good guideline for a beginner or someone who really needs to be yelled at to drink liquids.

    I have a 1 liter Nalgene bottle. I probably drink 2-2.5 liters between 9-5 and drink a bunch more in the evening.
  • I always drink lots of water anyway, seem to be thirsty a lot of the time (don't have diabetes though so that's good). I can see how this would help some people big time. My boyfriend's father never drinks water but he knows he should. He drinks tea a lot if he's thirsty. Black irish tea with milk and sugar. I should give him a bottle like this!
  • Not a bad suggestion for individuals who find themselves getting dehydrated. I do better drinking to my thirst, though. I used to stink at listening to thirt and hunger cues, but it was crucial to improve that and practice makes perfect.