Back at It!

  • Good Morning All,

    I am one of those on-again off-again WW people. I am back on-again right now and I am staying that way!

    In 2009, my husband and I joined WW and went to meetings religiously. I lost 70 pounds and DH got to goal. Well, life stepped in the way and I had some health issues, gained 60 pounds back and DH gained most of his weight back also.

    So, we got back on the weight loss horse, but never had the motivation/momentum, etc. to work the plan again as much as we had in the past.

    A friend at work told me about Ideal Protein. I started it. I worked it for two weeks and lost 10 pounds. However, it was awful! No fruit, no bread whatsoever.........just their "food" (mostly shakes and pudding) and a high protein meal of my own.

    The biggest lesson I learned is that WW works and other extreme programs usually don't - or they do for a short time and then they don't.

    I am back "home" at WW and I feel soooooo good. I can have carrots and all fruit! I can still lose weight! It may not come off as fast as other plans, but I know that WW fits into my life. I did not put this weight on overnight and it is not going to come off overnight, nor is it healthy to do it that way.

    Ahhhhhh, WW is wonderful.
  • I just started back with the old WW Core program. It is really a very healthy way of eating!

    I start every day with a veggie/fruit smoothie. Spinach, carrot, and mixed fruit and I feel great!

    I'm trying to get motivated to work-in some exercise now.

    I wish you and your husband success!
  • I am also an on/off WW member. I have my lifetime membership and have 65 pounds to lose AGAIN. I got to goal when I was 22 and I am now 55. It's harder now as I am hypothyroid and also menopausal, but I am still trying.

    I did gain .6 this week (I usually weigh on Monday or Tuesday) and although I haven't watched it or tracked this week, I started (really started) back today tracking what I am eating and my water. I haven't exercised today as I took my almost 86 year old mother to run errands. And I worked til 11 as well.

    I hope that you both have a wonderful week and nice to meet you both
  • mom3... good for you and amen sista!!
  • I'm back on WW too!
    I just read the posts in this thread and you gals sound like me and my mom! I'm Laura, pleasure to meet you! Mama and I did WW together in 2007 and we did great! In 7 months I lost 68 lbs and she lost 74. We joked all the time that we didn't feel like we were dieting at all because we had so many choices and fruits and veggies galore! Don't ask me how I came to gain all the weight back plus an additional 18 pounds, making this the heaviest I have ever been. Why did I ever quit the plan? Well, I'm back again. And I have lots of family support this time around. Mama is on board, and even my sister is doing it. So is my best friend and my boyfriend is kinda doing his own thing, but he's lost 15 pounds by just watching what he eats and cutting out fast food. So I'm ready. 3 weeks in, and I've already lost 9 pounds. I'm really happy I stumbled upon this site today because I think it's just the motivation I need. I've tried other diets and I just think that WW is the only one for me. I don't like the points plus program so I'm sticking with the older version I did by calculating the calories, fat, and fiber. I liked that plan and had success doing it. It was the first time I lost weight without feeling deprived. As my mama always says, WW lets her eat pretty high off the hog for being a diet!
    As for diets that don't even let you eat fruits and veggies, that just seems so wrong to me! WW may be a steady pace rather than a sprint but I definitely gets results and it's something I can stick to. I'm a WW girl for life.
    My first mini goal is to get back down to my starting weight the 1st time I did WW. 18 pounds less than my starting weight this time around. I'm halfway there! Ultimately my goal is to get down to 165 pounds but I'm taking it in baby steps.
  • Way to go Chubbygirl. Keep up the good work! I too am back at WW after losing 30 pounds and gaining back 30+. I am also at my heaviest weight ever. I am 2 weeks into Weight Watchers and have lost 6.4 pounds. I love the WW plan. I never feel deprived and love the way it is so flexible.