Weigh meat before or after cooking ?

  • Hello. I always though that you weigh before simply because that's what you do for recipes. However out of curiosity I weighed a piece of meat before and after tonight - it shrunk nearly 2oz!

    so I hit up google and I'm finding most people say for a diet you weigh after. if this is wrong I could add a lot of uncounted calories to my meal so, does anyone know ?
  • I weigh cooked portions for calorie counting purposes. That's what most calorie counters online use, I think you'll find. It's the water cooking out that makes cooked meat shrink.
  • after! the before weight has water in it.
  • Definitely after cooking...
  • I portion raw meat out to match the recipe's instructions, but if I'm going to weight for calories, I weigh the meat after it cooks.
  • I agree with the others and weigh after cooking.
  • Dude - I've been measuring it before - like always. But since I've basically been stalled out on weightloss for 5 months, I guess that means my maintenance level is LOWER than I thought.