The Royal Sashay through 2012

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  • Thanks for kind words wsw! Woot! I can relate to feeling really disorganized of late, been that way for a while. Can relate to heat entering into things also and priorities

    Arabella, adding to my previous posties that I also feel renting a summer cottage with your sisters sounds wonderful.

    Also with ye, wsw, in a howdy to anagram, kaylets and all royals in the palace, mentioned or un-

    ETA: Forget this, no rain! Lol, just a dust storm, but at least we have CLOUDS! Temp has dropped to 108! Previously posted: JUST HEARD THE RAIN! Yay! It was 109 an hour ago, not too hot by AZ standards but still hot. The house had been heated up by the sun and suddenly IT IS RAINING! Huzzah! We are in major need of rain here to help alleviate wildlands fire danger. Plus it is just so dry and hot this season. Woot!

    This is day 186 of my countdown to goal date! Walked this morning in park with friend and we could barely move. My streak is at ...

    WEDNESDAY, June 27, 2012, Day 276 of streakity streak of no day missed of daily exercise, 60 min walk, total streakity streak minutes so far 20,730 (Previous: 288 consecutive days of exercise, 18000 exercise minutes!)
  • Wootness, kind royals! So happy today, which, as is a favorite saying of mine from the Anne of Green Gables books, is a brand new day with no mistakes in it--yet!

    My streakity is thusly: THURSDAY, June 28, 2012, Day 277 of streakity streak of no day missed of daily exercise, 45 min walk, 20 min run, 10 min abs, total streakity streak minutes so far 20,805 (Previous: 288 consecutive days of exercise, 18000 exercise minutes!)

    Got up early to do this as working from home office today on a work project that will clear up some work items hanging over head so can have a nice free weekend to get in the mood to start the real estate classes on Monday. As these need to be done onsite, t'will entail a WHOLE lotta switching schedules and need to be in a positive frame of mind, eliminating all negative thoughts, people, places, things, habits, und so weiter lol. Hocus pocus focusing on positivity and passing an exam WHILST at the SAME time eating in my calorie level and exercising daily as exams come and exams go and pretty much everything and everyone comes and goes in life, actually, but for me, achieving and maintaining a happy weight that serves me and the best fitness level I can achieve is near or at the top of my priority list and always will be.

    Thankful for the friends, family and and acquaintances online and off who have accompanied me on the journey for a time, although some have had to opt out due to miscommunication on all sides and their own problems and I understand and honor that and feel the same way. Friends, acquaintances and family, as well as strangers, bosses, clients, employees, und so weiter, walk a two-way and recursive street. All disagreements, misunderstandings and negative interactions must be taken in context of the whole and no one person is ever to blame.

    Lol, heavy philosophy this morning. Really focused, lol, have three minutes before starting work.


  • sad today because an old friend died day before yesterday. actually, his brother is my close friend, but i knew his brother well and for lots of years--since we were all kids together. he was energetic, and wild (fun wild, not scary wild) in his youth, and had a terrific sense of humor, and a big heart. he had a loving family and was very close to all his brothers and his parents, and he had a great mischievous smile. i will miss him greatly. my friend (his brother) is broken-hearted and i felt like i wouldn't be able to think of the right thing to say to help comfort him, but i guess in the end, sometimes just listening and reminding said friend how much i care and will be there to listen, or be quiet, or talk with him--- may be all one can do sometiems. plus my friend lives on the opposite coast from me, so not being there in person makes me feel a little more helpless too. anyway, just wanted to say all this within the safe palace walls. thanks for listening, dear queenlies!

    right now i am looking out my den window at the gorgeous view of the woods and am very grateful to be able to do so. also didn't overeat yesterday, and plan to try and do same today. well, thinking of all of you who dwell in and around the palace walls, and it brought a big smile to my face. take care, all.

  • Hello
    wsw, so sorry about your friend's brother, who is also someone who was a friend and grew up with you, passing. I think you are right that just listening and having a friend know you are there for them is the totally right thing to do and no other words are necessary.

    So nice that you have the woods to look at outside your window. Congrats on no overeating yesterday. That is great work.

    It also brings a smile to my face to think of the royals who dwell in this palace or outside its walls. I think of the folkettes here so often.

    T'is Day 184 on my count backwards to my goal day. Calories good in the 1600s yesterday and am actually in the midst of an 18 hour session of intermittent fasting I started last night. I practice IF from time to time, not on any regular basis. It calms the mind and focuses the spirit, and has health benefits for me. I have never gone a full 24 hours and have never lowered overall calories to dangerous levels. It is just an eating pattern that I like sometimes. There used to be a thread on 3FC about IF. Maybe I will look it up.

    My streakity for today is thusly, done in the park verra early as it gets HOT here early:

    FRIDAY, June 29, 2012, Day 278 of streakity streak of no day missed of daily exercise, 15 min aerobics (In park with a Leslie guided audio “Walk,” which is basically a light aerobic workout that I do double time), 120 min walk, total streakity streak minutes so far 20,940 (Previous: 288 consecutive days of exercise, 18000 exercise minutes!)

  • Good morrow royal folke o' the palace. On a whirlwind of activity at the moment so shall away and say have a good day! Woot!

    SATURDAY, June 30, 2012, Day 279 of streakity streak of no day missed of daily exercise, 10 min dynamic stretch, 20 min run, 60 min walk, total streakity streak minutes so far 21,030 (Previous: 288 consecutive days of exercise, 18000 exercise minutes!)
  • Good morrow palace dwellers or passersby. This be for me, Day 182 in the journey to reach 125 by December 30. This has been declared a holiday in my safe little world called Goal Day. It is also the first Sunday following the Winter Solstice, shall spare ye all the details of the symbolism o' this particular year's winter solstice. But we here in my safe little world have been thinking on time a great deal.

    TIME, dear royals, is a river, in our opinion, symbolically speaking lol. All rivers, it was once told to us, flow eventually into the sea. Probably that is not scientifically accurate, but t'is a nice thought. Time is a river that flows in a circle and always brings us home.

    Home in our case is weighing 125 pounds and being who we really are. Those are the goals for Goal Day.

    It. Is. Manifest.

    In the meantime, the streakity for today is thusly:

    SUNDAY, July 1, 2012, Day 280 of streakity streak of no day missed of daily exercise, 75 min walk, 5 min abs, total streakity streak minutes so far 21,110 (Previous: 288 consecutive days of exercise, 18000 exercise minutes!)

    Will update weight loss (or gain or maintain) before brunch as always.
  • Sashayin' back into the palace fer just a sec, kind royals!

    Wanted to SAY that there VERDICT hath been rendered on the Golden Scale o' Dietary Justice in Am2 Land and said royal hath been found to be INNOCENT o' dietary crimes this week. She be down 1.2 this week and in this SLOOOOOW and RECURSIVE hike to gettin' these pounds off, right now that is great to Am2.

    Thank you.
  • Huzzah to all royals in and about the palace or wanderin' elsewhere in the universe. Hope all are havin' an excitin' week so far!

    MONDAY, July 2, 2012, Day 281 of streakity streak of no day missed of daily exercise, 75 min walk, 15 min jog, total streakity streak minutes so far 21,200 (Previous: 288 consecutive days of exercise, 18000 exercise minutes!)

    Day 181 of the backward count to Goal Day! Yay! Must away!
  • A Little Night Music
    Having a difficult, disordered night already as t'is 108 degrees right now, not quite full dark, no A/C in half of my house lol so I stay in the office until the temps go down and seek company online sometimes.

    Had a major shift in plans for the summer today, am not going to be taking some classes I was going to take so am kind of back to an on again off again work schedule and I have a lot of days off until the middle of next week.

    The plan now is to hocus pocus focus focus on this WEIGHT LOSS. Sending out pleas already for any friendly SCALE ANGELS who are summering in my area to come on down on Sunday and have some virtual, calorie free angel food cake at my Sacred Ceremony o' the Golden Scale.

    The plan now is, as suggested by a trainer I know, to NOT lift weights for yet another week. This is paying off big time in stopping the joint pain I have been experiencing. I do want to get back to it sooner or later but for now am having a hiatus and just doing mainly gentle cardio.

    The plan, now, is to LOSE at least 1.2 pounds this week and return to the 130s.

    I. Will. Do. It.

    Taking a hiatus from posting on this thread until my weigh-in.

    Good night, Gracie.
  • am2-congrats on weight loss!!!, and hope the scale angels will be with you also for your upcoming week!! i too am hoping scale angels are with me for this week, but so far no loss, though have been quite wonderful with exercise and staying op. thanks for the kind words regarding the loss of friend last week. glad to hear laying off the weights temporarily is helping with your joint pain.

    heat is pretty rough here now too. today, it got down to a "chilly" 97 after 106 and 105 starting last friday. the humidity here makes it feel like stepping into a sauna. ah well---such is summer. stayed op and exercised today, though was very tempted to sneak off plan earlier in the day. well, hope all royals who are dwelling in, near, or far from the palace walls are having a good evening. thinking of you all.

  • Wsw, I was afraid I was hogging the thread was going to not post until my weigh-in day but see you came in and wanted to say hi. Lol, guess we have plenty of room in the palace at the moment so I won't worry 'bout hoggin' the place.

    I am requesting all my friends in weight loss to ask any scale angels they know to my weigh-in party on Sunday. The AZ heat is down a little now and there is plenty of golf to be had here. I have found that scale angels like golf. I will serve virtual angel food cake and green tea at the weigh-in.

    Wsw, hope those scale angels have visited you since you posted.

    I am taking a look at a weight loss plan called JUDDD. I may do a modified version of it. We'll see.

    I am so at peace and so happy since I have made a lot of changes of direction in my life and clarified some thing in my mind that were murky before. I have just never been happier and I know the obstacles to reaching my goal are disappearing one by one. Woot!

    This is Day 177 of my backward count to GOAL DAY!
  • am2-so glad to hear that you are at peace and very happy since making a lot of changes in your life direction and clarifying other things. "woot!" is right! very impressive, empress! i too know that any obstacles to reaching your goal will continue to fall away. also sending good scale angel vibes your way.

    scale did finally move downward and was very pleased to see that, believe me. heat here is still mind-melting. i swear i walk outside into this sauna and i can't think my way out of a paper bag. (don't kow where that expression came from originally or why it popped in to my head just now, either, but i know it is old cuz i remember hearing it since i was a kid.) anyhoo-i stayed op and did my exercising today as scheduled. yay.

    got some paperwork done today which i needed to accomplish, and was glad about that. bad news though, is that i am looking at a bunch of stuff i need to organize and
    de-clutter, which i am not thrilled about. ah well. plan to try and make myself stay on task with that this weekend.

    well, salutations to all queenlies within or around the palace (or far away). hope a good evening will be had by one and all.
  • Wsw, thank you for the kind and encouraging words!

    AND woot, woot and triple woot on having had downward action on the scale!!!

    Good work on staying op and getting the exercise in despite the heat. Have fun organizing!

    Am2 be about ready to go for a walk, doing some revamping of the calorie and exercise plans today as have extra time off to focus on the weight loss. This be day 176 on her backward count to GOAL DAY!

    Wowza, t'will be a good day today AND on GOAL DAY!

    And adding salutations also in the words o' Queen Wsw "to all queenlies withing or around the palace or far away."
  • Lost .8, finally back where I was three weeks ago lol and if I can JUST march on, will be back in the 130s! Woot!
  • amarantha2- congrats on your weight loss!! and on the march down to your goal. woot! and woot! hope your day is pleasant, empress.

    thus far, op today. have been trying to get back to listening to meditation cd more consistently. i know when i do, it is helpful for setting a good tone for my day. still sooooo hot here, but it is supposed to get under 100 degrees tomorrow, and i am ready to enjoy that.

    must away for now. thinking of all our dear royals.