Copper iud question

  • Hello ladies!
    I am new to the forum but have been reading it since I was diagnosed in September last year. I never had irregular periods except when I started taking birth control. Now my doctor has upped my dose of metformin from 500 xr a day to 750 xr a day and I am suddenly irregular. I had my period lighter than usual and it stopped for a week and now it is a normal one. She said it could be because of my iud but it copper non hormonal because I can't do hormonal birth control it makes me anxious. I think my hormones are starting to even out again because this is similar to when they were out of whack on birth control. Has this happened to anyone else?

    I'm frustrated because I've been on this stuff for six months with barely any hormone improvement and no weight loss. Suggestions? I really want to get in shape but this is so discouraging.
  • Are you on it for PCOS/IR or Diabetes or what? (The Metformin)

    What do you mean "hormone improvement?" It's hard to respond about IUD without knowing what condition you are talking about.

    But here's a anyway of general support!

  • Sorry! It's for pcos. I was diagnosed in September because I couldn't lose weight. It hormone treatment to get my testosterone levels down.
  • Hi Sasha, I have the copper IUD Paragard. It has made my periods lighter, but I think they generally come at the same time every month. I couldn't do the hormones either.