Bistro Buddies - 2012 Edition !!!

  • You all already know how this works! I'm just helping out and created this one for organization purposes to help keep the threads as current as possible for the ones that tend to get extremely long. Cheers!
  • I just started on BistroMD this week. The food is pretty good and there seems like a lot of it but for some reason I lost my appetite after Day 2. I'm doing the 5 day, no snacks. They advertise 1,100-1,400 calories per day but I didn't realize until a few minutes ago how much they vary this by day. Fortunately, I saved all the boxes with the nutrional information. I know I need to add snacks but I was thinking that meant about 100 calories per snack, two snacks a day. However, yesterday's meals only totaled 840 calories and 24 grams of fat while the day before it was 1,115 calories and 39 grams of fat.

    I assume I'm going to have to count calories with this program (exactly what I was trying to avoid) in order to make sure I don't have days where I'm only eating slightly more than 1,000 calories per day. I tend to feel bad when I'm on extreme diets like too low fat, too high protein or too low calories. I'm positive that's why I feel hungry and yet find I have no appetite while eating these meals.

    Any words of wisdom? I'm debating whether to try another plan.