In the 140s!! woohoo

  • On 29 December I made a resolution to start a personal 30 day challenge -- see how much I could achieve with healthy choices and more exercise.

    Well.... 28 days later I've already reached my first milestone! I'm 5'7 and started at 157 pounds.

    This morning I am 149 pounds!!! woohoo
    I can't believe I made it into the 140s in one month.

    I've been going to the gym, walking, strength training, and even tried something new and joined a Zumba class!

    I'm so thrilled and can't wait to see what I can achieve over the next 30 days. Just wanted to share my first success and hopefully inspire others to challenge themselves for 30 days!
  • Awesome! Way to go! I can't wait until I'm in the 140s.
  • Go you! Xxxxx