Fun Shopping Idea

  • Personally, I find shopping quite depressing because of my stomach but today I found a way to make it fun.

    Go shopping with a friends or two and you pick out an outfit for the other person. You could be kind and find something that you think they'd like or be cruel and find something ridiculous. You all go and change and reveal your outfits at the same time.

    We did this today and we had some pretty funny looks running around the shop picking stupid things and giggling. It's so much better than trying to take it seriously even if you do get kicked out of the shop.
  • That sounds really fun! My best friend and I used to go shopping together and pick out stuff we thought each other would like and those are great memories now, as she passed away a couple months ago. But, that would be a great way to take the pressure off shopping and just have some fun for a change