getting close to my second goal

  • When I first started losing weight I was 232 lbs. The thought of having to lose soooo much weight to grt to 140 lbs was too overwhelming so I broke my efforts into three mini goals of 30 lb increments. Well yesterday when the scale said 182 it dawned on me that I am only 12 lbs away from my second milestone. I stayed stuck on 197 for so long I'd forgotten about my original mini goals.

    Getting there has been incredibly difficult and it doesn't help my mental game to see the scale go up three fricken pounds due to water weight gain from my TOM. Eh at least its just water weight.

    Anyhoo I'm just glad I haven't given up. The benefits so far have been so worth the efforts.

    Yay me!
  • yay!! Congratulations! TOM is sucky :/ but you're doing so well, you should be very proud of yourself!
  • CONGRATS....Your hard work is paying off!!!
  • Thanks for stopping by and thanks for your kind words.
  • YAY!! You're moving right on down that scales!!
  • Congrats! All that hard work is paying off!
  • Congrats on all your hard work! Your rockin it girlfriend.