On target ... softly, softly!

  • 2lbs down this week, which pleases me because I am happy with just one a week.

    So this brings me to 229.80 lbs, and thus a loss of 7lbs since I started this effort.

    It is so tempting to up the anti and go for the bigger loss but I am not going to do that. I need to lose this weight with the lifestyle change, that means softly, softly because everything I am doing now is about keeping it off in the end.

    At this rate I will reach my goal weight in a couple of years and that is daunting but if it means I maintain the lifestyle and loss ... fine. It took me a few years to put on this poundage, I can afford to take time to lose it.

    I have a cold, nasty but I am determined not to lose momentum so dancemat and treadmill here I come
  • Well done. If you google what a pound of fat looks like it is actually a significant chunk of us!! It's a great achievement to lose two in a week - you have a brilliant attitude.
  • I've been at this for two years now, and I'm so happy I started two years ago! It's worth the wait and gets better all the time.
  • Yes, and one of the things I've been thinking about is that it might take me a while to get to goal weight, goal weight doesn't magically make me fit and attractive- that's a gradual thing that's happening all the time. Looking at your goal, I'm sure people will be marveling at how trim you are LONG before the 140 mark!
  • Thanks And, JessLess, if I can emulate your weight loss in two years I shall be a happy puppy!
  • Quote: Thanks And, JessLess, if I can emulate your weight loss in two years I shall be a happy puppy!
    Anytime you want to talk, I check in pretty often.
  • Quote: Well done. If you google what a pound of fat looks like it is actually a significant chunk of us!! It's a great achievement to lose two in a week - you have a brilliant attitude.
    Ah, an easy visual on 1 pound of fat is 4 sticks of butter!! That is always what comes to my mind.
  • Sinoia, congrats. Keep up the good work!
  • Well done!
  • Keep it up! They say slow and steady wins the race
  • Thanks again =)