Weight Watchers and Evening Meetings

  • For those that attend meetings in the evening: Do you consume your food and water differently during the day in preparation for your weigh in that evening? Or do you not worry about it since you are weighing at the same time under the same (or as same as they can be) circumstances? I have been eating and drinking as usual but have wondered about this. I consume about 100 ounces of water per day...do you think that could throw the weigh in (like on The Biggest Loser)??
  • I don't eat or drink anything on my weigh in days. Granted, I weigh in at 11:30 in the morning, but I did WW back in 2003, and my meetings were at 5:30 at night, and I wouldn't eat. I would have a little water in the morning, but that was about it.
  • I always did morning weigh-ins so I could not eat, but if I were to do evenings I would not alter my day for it. As long as you weigh under same conditions each week, you should get an accurate picture of your progress.
  • I went to evening meetings on Thursdays a couple years ago. I always ate and drank normally on Thursdays.

    I also lost over 100 pounds that way.

    Believe me. Doesn't matter if you eat or drink the day of, in fact it's healthier to treat it as a normal day.

    Some weeks it might be up, some weeks it might be down, but over the long haul it will be down.
  • While my WI is at noon, I eat breakfast and drink water until 11 a.m. (usually get in about 4 glasses by then). I wear my shoes to weigh in also. I am not a fan of tricking myself into a lower figure and, besides, what difference is is going to make really. 1 pound? When I drink, I go to the toilet alot. Water in is water out. I don't eat 5 pounds of breakfast, and I'm sure you dont' either. I wouldn't change my day at all. I used to weigh in years ago after work...I didn't change my day. What I can suggest to you, tho, if the timing really concerns you is to look for a Saturday or Sunday meeting if getting there during the week is only convenient in the evening. It might make a difference to you emotionally. Also, if you really want to know the truth, weigh in once a week naked at home. I didn't have a home scale for years but my daughter brought one home one day...so there it is.
  • I do what you are doing. As long as it is the same time of day under the same conditions the loss is accurate. I think its silly to do anything differently.
  • My WI day is Wednesday, so on that day I tend to have breakfast late, then a small snack in the early afternoon, then dinner after I get home from being weighed (around 7 PM.) I also don't work out on Wednesdays, because I usually see a 2-3 pound gain after I work out.
  • I WI at night, between 5:30 and 6pm. I try to always be there at 5:30 so it's the same time every week and I wear the same type of clothes. I think what matters is that you're weighing in the same day and time.

    Weight Watchers is all about building healthy habits. If you can only attend evening meetings and you opt to not eat anything on your WI day because you think you'll weigh less, that's not a healthy habit, IMHO.
  • The only thing I usually avoid on WI days is salt. It makes your body retain fluid, so it may throw off your reading a bit. Other than that, eat as normal.
  • That is what I am doing, status quoe (sp). It is what it is, right?