Before/After - 1 Month of Diet/Exercise

  • Can you guys even see a difference? I've only lost 2 pounds. I feel like I can see a difference in the mirror, but upon reviewing these pictures, I'm not so sure. I can really hardly see a difference in the before/after pics.

    This first picture was taken in the beginning of July (blue bikini). Second one was taken on the 9th of July after the 4th of July weekend (I ate pretty terrible over the weekend). Third one (hot pink bra/undies) was taken today.

    ^ I have had that upper thigh fat since I was a teenager. It just won't go away.
  • You've had that upper thigh fat like that since you were a teenager because you're supposed to have upper thigh fat like that ;]

    You're not going to notice all that much after losing only 2 lbs. I've lost 10 and I barely see it. You're at such a low weight already that you could really see some real changes if you began lifting weights, but even if you did that, 1 month really wouldn't be a long enough time to see a huge difference...I do think that looking into body recomposition would benefit you more than simple weight loss.

    I did a quick google for some examples for you, check out this girl (I wouldn't pay any attention to the body fat percentages, there's no way she's 12% body fat in her second picture). She started off already very slender (like you). Her overall 'size' did not change, but take a look at her arms and most importantly, take a look at the top of her thigh there on the left side. Saddlebag, gone! 12% body fat is pretty extreme though in the grand scheme of things, but I don't think you'd need to go that low to get the results you want. Here's another one with a different girl from the back (Before 150, after 144). And here's a third one. None of these girls start out at a high weight, but they look completely different in their 'after' pictures! Its done through a very, very clean diet and weight/interval training. I'm not at this point yet myself but I plan to transition to this type of regimen as I get closer to my goal.
  • My hope was that there was no possible way I have only lost 2 pounds of fat because I have been REALLY busting my butt and eating healthy. I was hoping the scale hasn't been budging that much because I have been putting on muscle, somewhat balancing the fat loss (I have also been lifting weights 3x per week). But... It doesn't really look like there's much difference. I think I had myself tricked into seeing a difference in the mirror.

    My weight loss just doesn't make sense. I have never worked so hard in my life to only lose 2 pounds.

    Those pictures are inspiring... That's not much of a change in the # on the scale but dramatic results! I am not wanting to get super muscular like those photos, but I am definitely going to look into this workout plan.
  • The 2 lbs may just be water weight. The really important questions for you are:

    How have you changed your diet and how are you tracking it?

    What are your exact weight-lifting regimens like? What techniques do you do, how heavy and how many reps/sets? When you complete a set, do you feel like you can't possibly lift the weight one more time? Are you eating more protein?
  • A typical day for me... Piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast or Carnation Breakfast Essentials shake, lunch is a turkey sandwich with no cheese and spicy mustard (or a Lean Cuisine if I'm in a hurry and don't have time to make lunch) side of pretzels or baby carrots, and for dinner I eat chicken and vegetables (usually I boil the chicken -- I don't cook it in vegetable oil). I eat very sensible portions. For a snack I eat a handful of pretzels with spicy mustard. After my work-out I drink a protein shake with 2 cups of milk. I eat W-A-Y healthier than I did before this diet began. Before, I would eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Dessert every day, burgers, fries, whatever.

    I just rotate through every machine in the gym. It takes me about 30 minutes and I do my arms, back, and legs (except the machines deemed 'worthless' by a post I once read on 3FC). I don't have a set number of reps -- when I feel the "burn" I make myself do 7 more reps, and by the last rep, I can usually barely finish it. I usually do 2 sets (maybe I should be doing more sets than this?).
  • Quote: A typical day for me... Piece of whole wheat toast for breakfast or Carnation Breakfast Essentials shake, lunch is a turkey sandwich with no cheese and spicy mustard (or a Lean Cuisine if I'm in a hurry and don't have time to make lunch) side of pretzels or baby carrots, and for dinner I eat chicken and vegetables (usually I boil the chicken -- I don't cook it in vegetable oil). I eat very sensible portions. For a snack I eat a handful of pretzels with spicy mustard. After my work-out I drink a protein shake with 2 cups of milk. I eat W-A-Y healthier than I did before this diet began. Before, I would eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Dessert every day, burgers, fries, whatever.
    I too changed my diet to be what I thought was as healthy as possible, but I found that I was greatly underestimating my portions. I'd definitely advise that you invest in a small food scale and perhaps try measuring out your portions. I plugged everything that you listed into MyFitnessPal and assuming you're portioning your food PERFECTLY you're at around 1300 calories per day, but if you're not counting everything then things like pretzels (150-200 calories per serving!) milk (skim? 2%? whole? 2 cups of 2% milk is almost 300 calories by itself) chicken (1 whole breast is around 300 calories) and lunchmeat (2 oz of Turkey is 60 calories, but that's only 2-2.5 slices!) can eat into your budget more than you think! You can even return the scale once you get a feel for your measurements.

    I just rotate through every machine in the gym. It takes me about 30 minutes and I do my arms, back, and legs (except the machines deemed 'worthless' by a post I once read on 3FC). I don't have a set number of reps -- when I feel the "burn" I make myself do 7 more reps, and by the last rep, I can usually barely finish it. I usually do 2 sets (maybe I should be doing more sets than this?).
    I'd say try 3 sets. If you're able to do more than 15 reps in a set, the weight you're using is too light. Increase the weight to decrease the reps, give yourself 4 minutes rest between sets and do another set.

    Stumptuous is a great resource, here's what they say:

    A basic beginner’s routine generally consists of something approximating 3 sets per exercise with 10-15 reps per set, though you can start with doing only 1 set per exercise for the first few weeks. Between sets you rest for 1 to 3 minutes, until you feel ready to tackle that thing again. You’ll want longer rests between sets of more complex exercises such as squats and deadlifts.

    When you are starting out and figuring out what weights are good for you, you’ll have to go through some trial and error to find the correct weight. In general, aim for a weight that you can do for around 10-15 reps in good form. The 10-15 rep recommendation is based on the principle that beginners should use slightly lower weight for the first several months, in order to allow their connective tissue time to adapt to the loading. A weight which someone can use for 12 reps is usually a good weight to begin with.
  • Thanks for the feedback! I always check the nutrition facts & ration out 1 serving (or less) and I buy skim milk (can't taste the difference between skim and whole, so why bother! ). I usually can finish more than 15 reps, so I will try increasing weight during my reps and doing an extra set.

    Just got back from my gym session and I weighed in 1 lb less than I did last time I weighed in. So, 3 lbs in 1 month isn't too bad, I suppose.
  • Wow, your photos could be my photos! LOL. We are built very similarily despite the 7 lbs. difference in our weight. I've had upper thigh fat too but it whittled away and became more defined with running. I didn't notice much difference in the weight loss, I noticed in body fat loss. Like going from 19% to 17% was huge. You look like you're in the teens because you can see your abs IMO. You look awesome and cute bras/undies too.
  • You look great! I'd kill for your body, before and after.
  • your body in the before picture is so beautiful and perfect. It's the kind of body you see most guys turn their heads at. I think your goal weight might be low for you- I checked, and it's right on the borderline of "underweight." I respect if you want to exercise for your health, but I wonder if enough people have told you how perfect your "before" body is and the healthy femininity that you might lose if you try to diet it away.
  • Quote: your body in the before picture is so beautiful and perfect. It's the kind of body you see most guys turn their heads at. I think your goal weight might be low for you- I checked, and it's right on the borderline of "underweight." I respect if you want to exercise for your health, but I wonder if enough people have told you how perfect your "before" body is and the healthy femininity that you might lose if you try to diet it away.
    I totally agree with this. In addition to your current body being AMAZING (seriously, that's even thinner than my realistic end goal!) I think it's hard for you because you may be trying to beat out your bodies natural thin point. Everyone's body has a point where it gets the thinnest to, and getting lower than that is VERY hard, sometimes impossible using healthy methods.

    I think the answer to your question of why you've busted your butt and lost "only" 2 pounds is because you are already so thin to begin with, eating healthy and exercising is primarily going to be maintaining an already ideal body weight. Your body just might not be able to get much thinner.
