strange symptoms when on IP????? on day 5

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  • Okay, so i woke up with a headache.. i got better...I go to bed on average at 2am and usually i would sleep in till like up at the crack of freaking dawn with energy to boot...but then i feel lightheaded and you know how if you move your eyes to the left and then to the right? Well..its like my brain hasnt caught up and its delayed by two then i feel kinda lightheaded and nauseaous finally settled down tonite..but then i noticed something else.. I get cold...really really easily..which is odd for me..because i tend to sweat lots from doing simple things..and now all of the sudden i have to turn up the heat at work and wear a sweatshirt..this is so not me...Anyone else have issues with feeling cold???

    I was it possible cause im averaging 4 litres of water a day..that im cold from constantly drinking water? i mean.. would my body tempreature drop lower if i was consuming lots of water??
  • I am really cold too...granted, I am always cold. I have a heater in my officer in summer in Mississippi...but I am even colder. I don't know if it has to do with your body getting into ketosis.

    My body aches, like even my ankles. I just feel weak physically (except I feel fine as far as focusing) I think all these symptoms have to do with your body adjusting

    also, anyone else's face break out when they started IP?? Mine has and its worrying me. I would hate to work hard for a skinny body but have ugly skin ...
  • I had all the same symptoms (except breaking out) my first week also. The headaches went away pretty quickly as did the nausea. I still get lightheaded on occasion if it's been quite a while since my last meal. I am still cold all the time. I am wearing a coat in my office in the middle of July. I think carbs stoke the body's furnace. I remember back when I was mountaineering and snow camping, our instructors would tell us to eat a candy bar before bed because the sugars would help us keep warm. If we're cold now... I hate to think what winter is going to be like on this diet!
  • Half way through my weight loss last time I started to feel cold all the time. It was explained to me that when we lose fat, we lose our insulation and thus we feel cold! I don't know how accurate this is, but I kinda bought it, lol.
  • Starting Day 5 (alternative products) here. I'm always cold but I've already shed most of my fat suit so I've been cold for over a year. I'm sitting here in sweats and a polar tec drinking hot fluids.

    Are you drinking ice water? If yes, switch to room temp and warm herbal teas?

    I slept 5 hours last night and I feel exhausted this morning. Thank goodness I'm working from home this morning.

    I've been a little light-headed as well. Last night in Pilates class I needed a long time to come up to standing position.

    Your eye thing sounds like good old fashioned exhaustion while your inner motor is running. I bet it will settle down.
  • I am going to start week 5 tomorrow and I am still weak, still cold and last night at about 4am broke out in a sweat. I am having a hard time doing my normal daily walk of 3 miles (pretty much have cut it to 1 mile) I think we are taking in so few calories and almost no carbs, so the energy level is going to be down. Although, some people report spikes in energy. I too am getting up much earlier, but then feeling drowsy in the afternoon, but can't nap, because I would never be able to sleep at night. Keep posting, I like to know that my symptons are not strange.
  • Quote: I am really cold too...granted, I am always cold. I have a heater in my officer in summer in Mississippi...but I am even colder. I don't know if it has to do with your body getting into ketosis.

    My body aches, like even my ankles. I just feel weak physically (except I feel fine as far as focusing) I think all these symptoms have to do with your body adjusting

    also, anyone else's face break out when they started IP?? Mine has and its worrying me. I would hate to work hard for a skinny body but have ugly skin ...
    I'm having the same issue, its embarrassing, my face is breaking out all over. I didnt have this issue when I was a teen but now on this diet I have zits! I'm hoping its just cause my body is adjusting to this new way of eating and that my face will clear up.

    Maybe its my body asking where the heck is the chocolate?!?!?

    Also, I am a very hot natured person and lately I've been chilly even though its 100 degrees outside.

    I'm on day 9, hoping things go back to normal soon
  • I've just learned that this diet makes your hormones wacky (fat cells releasing estrogen as they say goodbye) so maybe that's why the breakout? Just a thought.

    I'm not sleeping much anymore either. Why can't I sleep more than 6 hours now, when I used to get 8? I've heard the side effect from others... not sure why it happens.
  • Ummmm. I think you guys need to start reading earlier posts. Read voraciously. None of these symptoms are strange. Headache, take a pinch of sea salt. Lightheadedness and cold equal lower blood pressure. Weakness midafternoon, low blood sugar. Have half of a packet or, if you eat dinner late, a whole packet around 3:30 - 4:00, depending on when you need it.

    The above is the short answer. My best advice would be to go back to the daily chat starting about the 1st of June 2010 (although it was a weekly chat then) and start reading. Read everything Carla and Novak wrote at minimum. The education is out there, and free, you just need to go looking a little. And then there's always your coach, sometimes.
  • Ummmm. I think you guys need to start reading earlier posts. Read voraciously. None of these symptoms is strange. Headache, take a pinch of sea salt. Lightheadedness and cold equal lower blood pressure. Weakness midafternoon, low blood sugar. Have half of a packet or, if you eat dinner late, a whole packet around 3:30 - 4:00, depending on when you need it.

    The above is the short answer. My best advice would be to go back to the daily chat starting about the 1st of June 2010 (although it was a weekly chat the) and start reading. Read everything Carla and Novak wrote at minimum. The education is out there, and free, you just need to go looking a little. And then there's always your coach, sometimes.
  • My blood pressure tends to be on the lower end of good so it is good to know that the light headedness is likely due to the low blood pressure. A couple weekago mine was 98/60. But the low BP was something I had before the diet.
  • Hi,

    I felt really tired, dizzy, couldn't focus, hungry all the time, etc. the first 5 days or so. All of this slowly went away. I have felt colder than normal since about week 2 but I don't mind because I can keep the AC at like 80 F and that's perfect for me and lowers my electricity bill. I find I wake up around 6 a.m. everyday but that's after 8.5-9 hours of sleep, which is normal for me. I haven't had any break-outs. I haven't had any other problems so far.

    Make sure you are following the plan to a "T", including the vitamins, sea salt, and olive oil because these will all help resolve your symptoms in time. If you want more specific suggestions, I'd read the newbie FAQ's or tips (I forget the exact name.) and as many daily chat threads as you can. I learned a lot from doing that. Good luck!

  • Sick of feeling sick on Ideal Protein
    Today is day 9 for me. I lost 5 lbs the first 4 days and not an ounce since then. I have felt crappy on this diet since day 2!! I don't know if I can take it anymore! I am not using Ideal Protein foods, but my husband who lost 35 lbs gave me all the info, alternative foods, and vitamins. I felt dizzy, lightheaded, and foggy the first week. Now I feel nausiated most of the time! We are going to the beach in 1.5 weeks, so I'm scared to stop and gain back the weight/water weight- but I am MISERABLE! Help!
  • I get the same symptoms whenever my calories and/or carbs are too low (orif I go too long without eating, especially if the last meal/snack I ate was very high in carb). For me, the symptoms turned out to be blood sugar being too low, or blood sugar dropping rapidly.

    On low-carb diets, I don't really experience "hunger" in the traditional sense (or at least as I'm used to experiencing it). Instead, the blood sugar drop and the resulting ill feeling (including being suddenly cold) is the only signal that I get.

    I never could do vlcd's or significantly low-carb diets, because of the symptoms (which is one of the reasons I'm not sure IP will work for me, but I do want to try it. I can't afford IP or even most of the alternative products, so I've been researching the plan to see if I can find or create affordable alternatives to simulate the program).

    I really only lose well on a very controlled-carb diet, but when I eat low-carb, I don't really ever feel hunger as I recognize it. Hubby actually recognizes my hunger before I do. When I get cranky, or complain of a headache, he'll ask me whether/when I've eaten.

    According to many of the low-carb authors, including Atkins, the symptoms supposedly go away after 2 weeks. Mine do not. In fact, they get worse to the point that I'll actually pass out if I don't deal with the symptoms (by eating) before they get really bad.

    Maybe they do go away for most people, but for me they don't. They have gotten better since I was prescribed metformin (a medication that helps regulate blood sugar). So if you're insulin resistant or diabetic, this may be why you're experiencing the blood sugar drop (if that's what it is - but I suspect so). I think I had blood sugar issues all of my life, because for as long as I can remember, I couldn't eat "sweet foods" for breakfast without getting sick by lunch time. And I couldn't skip meals, or I'd get sick.

    What I find helpful may not be doable on IP.

    I either

    1. Eat smaller amounts more frequently


    2. Eat more fat/protein at meals (therefore more calories) so they hold me longer. Eating more carbs does NOT help and only makes the situation worse (high-fiber, low-calorie veggies don't seem to really help or hurt one way or the other).

    I don't know if you can do that on IP, or whether modifying the plan to do that would be workable, but I would recommend asking your doctor for a full metabolic panel to diagnose or rule out IR and diabetes.
  • One foot out the door on this diet!
    Kaplods, I do have a history of hypoglycemia. So maybe that is what is going on. Like you, I'm not hungry, I just feel terrible! I have one foot out the door on this diet, so tomorrow I will eat more carbs and calories and see how I do!
    I have all the info on the poor man's Ideal Protein if you want it!