Still not losing it.

  • Hello all!
    My name is Elina, I'm 16 and from Estonia (currently in the US).
    I don't even know where to start. I've been overweight atleast for 12 years in my life. I don't remember being thin, but I only have one picture of myself when I was 4 years old and I looked totally normal on that one lol. I didn't mind being overweight until I got 12 years old. I remember looking into the mirror and I saw stretch marks on my belly and at that moment I realized that I need to do something about it because I was getting bigger and bigger, non stop. I am a very lazy person and I've hated doing sport, so I never worked out to lose some of my weight... Until I found badminton and tennis. I love doing both of these sports. About food, I count calories and watch what I eat, but sometimes it's very hard to say no to all the sweets. That must be the main problem about losing weight for me... It is sooooo hard to say no to sweets. I absolutely LOVE peanut butter. This is the worst thing EVER to eat for a girl who wants to lose weight. I feel like I'm addicted to it sometimes, I just have to eat those 2 tbs.
    I have been around 200 lbs for 3 years and I was around 170 in summer 2009, but I gained it all back because I quit working out properly.
    So can you please give me some advice what can I eat instead of sweets?
    And how to keep myself motivated? My main motivation is to get to a normal weigh tho, but sometimes it seems not to be enough.
    I joined 3FC to get some advice and to be motivated!
  • If you're counting calories, you can factor peanut butter into your count! As long as you don't over-indulge, peanut butter actually has some good fats for you, and some protein!