Met My First Mini Goal!

  • This is a tiny tiny mini goal, but I'm proud!
    I have stuck to the plan for a whole week! I also lost two pounds! (Wasn't a goal! But definitely a good sign)

    I was very much afraid that I would not lose anything or that I would quit the plan after a few days.

    Now that I'm in the habit, I find myself having an easier time counting calories. I also respond to hunger a little bit better. It takes less time for me to feel full.

    Thank you everyone for the support! I am so glad that I found this site. It has been extremely helpful! I can't wait to see my results for next week!
  • Every little bit counts, go girl!
  • Great way to start!! Congrats!
  • Awesome! The first week is the hardest, so that is DEFINITELY something to be proud of.
  • Quote: Awesome! The first week is the hardest, so that is DEFINITELY something to be proud of.
    Thank you! I was really nervous I wouldn't make it. I guess it was just the right time for me to start!

    I'm on to the next goal now = )
  • Way to go! 2lbs sounds like a good start to me!
  • Good for you!!!
  • Thank you all!
  • woohooo that's fantastic!!!