July 21 - August 4th Challenge!

  • Hey Guys!
    This is my first time joining or starting a challenge post, but I decided I need some motivation beyond just "lose weight!"

    So, here is my challenge: Eat on plan for 14 days straight. Also, do one healthy thing a day that you do not normally do. This could involve nutrition (a serving of veggies that you don't normally eat), exercise, mental, spiritual, or emotional health.

    For examples, some ideas I thought I could do were:
    1. climb stairs (I am currently nannying in a hotel room, so exercise is limited)
    2. try a new and healthy food from Trader Joe's
    3. spend more time in prayer
    4. write a letter to a friend
    5. journal
    6. go swimming
    7. put body lotion on more often
    8. do a yoga dvd
    9. choose to be loving when I would rather be unkind
    10. choose patience instead of annoyance

    To allow as many people as possible to commit to this challenge, let's start it on July 21-August 4!

    I hope you guys will join me in this challenge...I am excited to see how it changes my attitude, emotions, and physical health!