Binge Free Challenge: 7.18.11 - 7.24.11

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  • Welcome to the binge-free challenge!!

    This is a place where you can come in and talk about binging. Feel free to post about your successes and your struggles and keep track of how many days you've been binge free. You can also vent about anything and everything you feel like getting out. We are here to share our feelings and to encourage and inspire each other.

    No negativity! We are strong chicks and I KNOW we all can do this!! And we don't have to do it alone, we have each other to get us through the rough times.

    ALL chicks are welcome -- no one is excluded! If you are trying to lose weight, not trying, maintaining, recovering from an eating disorder, in the midst of one, or have ANY kind of problem with food, we would love to have you join us!!

    Jump in head first!!! We WILL catch you!
  • Today is Day 281 for me.
  • 431!
  • Day 21!! 3 WEEKS!

    I could have seriously binged! I have 4 boxes of "soft & chewy cookies" (WhoNu brand, supposedly "healthy and nutritious" but lots of cals still), 5 boxes of granola bars, 1/3 bag of Bear Naked Fit granola, and just TONS of other carby foods in my house.

    You know I have hit a turning point when I realized I COULD HAVE binged but didn't.

    All these foods that were once triggers, are now just food to me, like the other food in my pantry. Nothing to be scared of.
  • i am seriously pissed at my scale. So if I am doing so well with diet and exercise...where is my reward> I am seeing inches lost but not weight.

    tell me not to give up and stuff my face with chocolate eclairs instead.
  • Quote: i am seriously pissed at my scale. So if I am doing so well with diet and exercise...where is my reward> I am seeing inches lost but not weight.

    tell me not to give up and stuff my face with chocolate eclairs instead.
    Please don't stuff your face with anything. What good will that do? Can you go for a walk instead of eating out of frustration? There will be days where the scale doesn't make sense. That is when the obsession needs to stop.

    I used to be scale obsessed, now I know when it might go up or down, or not change, and just accept it as a part of this weight loss journey.

    EVERY ONE on a weight loss journey, will experience no weight loss even if they did every thing right.

    I'm sure you watched nbc's the biggest loser and this happened to them often. It's the body's chemistry, the metabolism. It's complex. Give it time. Be patient. Be kind to your body.

  • Quote: i am seriously pissed at my scale. So if I am doing so well with diet and exercise...where is my reward> I am seeing inches lost but not weight.

    tell me not to give up and stuff my face with chocolate eclairs instead.

    Jen- Look at how far you have come....I hear ya with the frustration though... but look at the progress you have made, you are so strong and such an encouragement!!!!!

    You can do it
  • Day 3....

    Totally stressed ate last night which almost ended in a binge...this is getting crazy and frustrating but I am glad I pushed through.....some days I just want to say screw it but I know that will not get me anywhere....
    Hang in there ladies, it's gonna be a long haul but will be worth it in th end...
  • blah my baby is fussy again today. But GOOD NEWS. i reset the scale (it is a Taylor Scale) and i guess you have to initialize it if it gets bumped. And my weight was 198.6 which is a new low.

    NOW, i just got to get through the blahs of a fussy baby again.
  • day 1...

    For me late night eating is a problem, so I'm trying to stop late night cravings by drinking green tea instead.
  • Day 12 done binge free!. Althought he weekend birthday party resulted in eating more calories than I should, I did not binge and eat in an out of control manner, so still okay! Today has been great, back on track!
  • Day 7! WIll post more later, but I'm almost about to head out the door to my first OA meeting. I'm nervous about it, but have wanted to go for a long time to check it out, so I'm going to just jump in and do it.
  • ugh ugh ugh not good

    Day 1 today
  • Day 2 almost complete. Feeling pretty good. I had some thoughts about binging today, but pushed them aside. They were nothing I couldn't handle. I also thought to myself today, that I find it so silly that I don't treat myself to many forbidden foods, and worry after I eat them one time that I'll gain weight (yes, I know, totally illogical), but yet I'll binge on all of them in one day, and eat like 7000 calories. It make no sense.

    I do think a lot of my binging is emotional though. Many times I can't stop even when full, and I just want to fill the emptiness that I feel. Although some of it is related to the "ah crap this day is ruined" mentality and the I just want to be normal with food again mindset too. I hate that I can't go to a bbq or something and just stop when I'm full without forcing myself to do so. I remember when I was able to go and eat what I wanted and never think twice. I'm hopeful I'll get to that place again.

    My goal right now is to make it longer then last time and keep going. I know I can get past all this if I just let myself.

    Jen- glad the scale was kinder to you after you fixed it! Just remember that you are only 2 months post-baby. As hard as it is to hear it and remember it, it doesn't always just fall off. Plus, your body is recovering from carrying your little one around for 9 months and giving it takes a bit. Just try and be healthy and you will see the results you want to see.
  • I am joining this thread because I sometimes binge on cashews or popcorn. I also have the problem of journaling my food until I do eat something that shouldn't be there and instead of just writing it down I eat more of the offending foods!

    My name is Paula and today is Day 1 binge free