No more pity party...

  • Finally...I stopped feeling sorry for myself and decided that it is up to me to make this work.

    I feel stronger today, make it through yesterday OP and am spending today making food, cutting veggies, etc. and even homemade lemonade to get through the weekend.

    What I truly need is a buddy to help me through the night; it is in the late evening that I find I have so much struggle. I save my restricted foods for then, and sometimes have an extra packet of something I really like. Would love someone who also has a struggle here or wants to be helpful be a bdy for me; anyone?

    Maybe like someone else said we are all buddies for each other. I am gratefu for this site, and for everyone out there who is working towards a healthier life.

    Have a great weekend
  • Purrfect, I am here and sometimes late at night, since I am an insomniac. You will get there, I drink Propel, my coach told me to drink 3-4 bottles a day and it keeps me full.
  • It's not a pity party when you invite others it's just a party! Look there are three of us that makes a good party. Hang in there.

    What interests do you have? Read? TV? Movies? Sports?
    We can make this a get to know each other party.
  • I agree with Redhead its not a pity party just a PARTY!!! I am here late night usually don't go to bed til midnight or so I'll be here if you need
  • WOW, THANKS!!!! I love all of you! This was so helpful as here I am, wanting to eat and not hungry really, and this helped knowing you are all here.

    Is there any way to IM here or something like that? Thanks...again and again.
  • When I am feeling like cheating at night, I like a cup of warm pom green tea with a little stevia. Something about the warmth makes me feel better!