Looking for an email weight loss buddy

  • Hi my name is Tara and I want to have an email buddy that emails frequently, is there for support and wants to lose weight. My email is my screen name at yahoo.com
  • HI
    Not sure if you'd like to join a support group-chat on here? I have one going with a few girls if you would... I'm on ALL the time lol!!

    here is the link to our support group of u r interested!! :
  • me me! [email protected]
  • Hey Tara.
    I am jagrati. I emailed you a few days back.. still waiting for reply.
    I am also looking for email weight loss buddy.

    My email address is: jagrati.bansal @ gmail.com

    please mail me..
  • I am brand new to this group but I would LOVE an e-mail buddy (Or several!)

    I just started a weight loss support group in my neighborhood, but I need as much support I can get.

    kjhoover @ gmail.com