I can't choose....

  • I know I was supposed to research diets and I thought I decided.....but am so confused and not sure about which to go with.

    I thought the low carb thing would be a good plan, then started reading about the metabolic miracle, also the glycemic index....glycemic index says oatmeal is high on the scale -- and I thought oatmeal was healthy! This is what I eat every day for breakfast. So what would I eat then, just eggs and sausage? I did south beach for awhile some years ago, succeeded in following level 1, lost 17 pounds, but couldn't keep it up. the restrictions were too much.

    I have tried food journaling before and get so tired of writing everything down (or using my iphone app) and not really getting anywhere.

    Counting points? Been there, done that.

    I am almost ready to give up and I haven't even started yet. Just getting frustrated with the many options out there. I'm not good at following menus from a book.

    Desperately needing a coach to step up here. I'm feeling overwhelmed.

  • Not a coach, but I can totally relate to where you are. I've been searching for a plan forever, and I think I'm starting to zero in on one I like. My recommendation is to go with a plan that doesn't force you to avoid food groups you enjoy. If you enjoy fruit and grains, lowcarb is pretty much out.

    I too have tried many plans and failed miserably. I don't like to count or track stuff, so I've been moving closer to an exchange type plan. Right now, I'm trying the 17 day diet. It looks easy, is structured, but has some flexibility so you don't feel trapped. Might be worth a look for you too. Most of the plan is outlined on various websites, so just Google.

    Best of luck in your search.
  • I've been doing the no white flour/no white sugar thing. By dumping those 2 items it cuts out all the junk food. It was tough for about 10 days, but after that it's pretty much become habit. I find it's easier not having to keep track of everything that goes into my mouth.
    I've lost 16 lbs after 30 days, so it seems to work. I'm eating a lot more fruits & veggies now.
  • I have found it useful to switch plans every few months. I learn something with every plan and I figure that the weaknesses of one plan get balanced by the strengths of another. Plus, it keeps me from quitting out of sheer boredom.

    Exchange plans work best for me. Those are the kind where you get X number of starch servings, Y number of proteins, etc. I find that gives me just enough to be accountable but isn't so much counting and math that it awakens my perfectionism.

    So far, I've tried a plan based on what I learned at MyPyramid.gov, the DASH diet, and the diet in The Complete Beck Diet for Life (the green book).
    Right now, I'm using Richard Simmons' Food Mover.
  • I follow South Beach, and understand why it's not for everyone. I thought it might help you if I let you know why I picked my food plan. Perhaps you could identify some things that are important to you and it might help to pinpoint a plan.

    My weight was pretty high and because of my age I was starting to accumulate obesity related health problems. My life included lots of stress (it still does) and my emotional eating foods of choice were chips, fried foods and sugar.

    I started to envision what type of person I would like to re-create.
    ~ I wanted to eat foods that would make me healthier
    ~I wanted to learn to enjoy exercise
    ~I wanted to eat primarily organic
    ~I wanted to shift my dependence on meats and poultry grown under less than humane conditions
    ~I wanted to recapture the enjoyment I used to have preparing foods at home from scratch

    For me, South Beach, Low GI Diet and Dr. Beck's food plan from the green book would all fit into this criterion. I did pick calorie counting as a back up plan and have actually found it to be a great addition to SBD.

    When I started losing in 2005, however, I didn't have a nationally recognized plan. Instead, I made my own plan, which I think it great as long as it continues to work. I cut way down on white sugar and flour, stayed away from fried foods and started a formal exercise plan. I think several "Beckies" have learned alot about themselves and nutrition and have come up with their own plan.

    Best wishes! I think one of the best suggestions is to find something that you can follow for life. Otherwise, most folks just regain the weight once they stop "dieting".