How we men lose fat

  • I read this post and it was extremely helpful to understand why my belly and waist haven't shrunk much in the last 20 lbs but why they initially shrunk in rapid fasion.

    Hopefully this will be helpful to someone else as well.
    I'm a big fan of Lyle Mcdonald.
  • Cool - thanks for the info!
  • This explains some concerns I had. Great info
  • Nice. Thanks
  • Quote: I read this post and it was extremely helpful to understand why my belly and waist haven't shrunk much in the last 20 lbs but why they initially shrunk in rapid fasion.

    Hopefully this will be helpful to someone else as well.
    I'm a big fan of Lyle Mcdonald.
    Hi John, my first day here, found your post, did a search on Lyle McDonald. First stop on his website was his tribute to the Austin Humane Society and the adoption of his pup . Second stop was the ketogenic diet. Very interesting. Thanks for the headsup. John
  • THANKS JOHN, good info to share with others. Just today someone ask me about this. I lost off my belly at first, then it seemed like it stopped (I think it just slowed down); and I lost everywhere else including my back. I look quite nice from the back, but when I turn ...

    And of course, people comment about that too. Now, I am losing from my stomach again; and this fall, I could really notice my clothes are looser in that area (esp my winter coat), so I am glad about that.

    For the men -- my Dad battled his weight his whole adult life, esp his stomach. Over the last several years, he has lost the weight (some from being sick, sadly). He was slim everywhere but there, but this past year he got sick and lost it all. Why -- his doctor said there was nowhere else for it to come from. He looks slimmer than I recall in his whole life since he was a young man.

    So, I would say: just keep on, keepin' on and it will go ... and, this gives me a lot of hope too.
  • Lyle is great, yes. Thanks for the read.
  • Pretty interesting.

    So that explains why I sometimes see people who are tough at the upper part and flabby below.
  • Good info! Thanks for sharing