Working out Religiously!

  • I am proud to announce that I have actually worked out 11 days in a row with Sunday as my rest day. I know this doesn't seem like much. But for me it is a victory. I finally realized that this weight isn't coming off without me getting off my butt. I never could find anything I really enjoyed doing enough to stick with it that long. I am pumped and ready to continue on. I've lost 1 1/2 inches off my butt and 2 lbs and that is enough to keep me motivated. I'm working my Butt of literally. I'm doing the Body Gospel workout. For the first time in my overweight life I feel like I can do this. Here's to a healthier happier me!
  • Good for you! I used to work out Monday - Saturday and rest on Sundays I don't do that now but once I got into the routine I liked it.
  • thats great!!