Day to day versus weekly losses.

  • I'm doing weight watchers, and the plan is very flexible. One day I may eat more points and other days I will eat less.. However, as a creature of habit, I Wei myself every day. Yesterday I stayed on plan but did eat some of my weekly (optional) points and I went to disneyland and walked a lot plus climbed 20 flights of stairs.

    I'm slightly sore and might be retaining water, but in one day, the scale has shown me a gain of a lb. I know it is probably temporaryBut just seeing it frustrates me.

    What do you all value more- weekly or daily weighs?
  • I think I value the week more because its most likely to reflect all my hard work.

    Not that im not guilty of checking everyday, I am. But I get so obsessive about it like I just drank a huge glass of chocolate milk I know the scale knows. It sucks to think that way so for the past few days I've not been weighing myself and already im not so stressed about it.
  • There will always be ups and downs on the scale, but as long as there is still a downward trend overall try not to get hung up on the day to day number. There are so many variables that cause weight to fluctuate, so as long as you stay on plan for the long haul, the little spikes here and there are normal and should be expected. I weigh myself everyday, but only count Thursdays as official.
  • Quote: There will always be ups and downs on the scale, but as long as there is still a downward trend overall try not to get hung up on the day to day number. There are so many variables that cause weight to fluctuate, so as long as you stay on plan for the long haul, the little spikes here and there are normal and should be expected. I weigh myself everyday, but only count Thursdays as official.
    Same here I weigh myself in the morning and at night, but I only count thursday mornings as official
  • I weigh every day, but I guess I count Monday as my "official" weigh in. I keep a log of daily weights and weekly weights, and I think the weekly is a better gauge of how good (or not-so-good) I've been doing.
  • Like several people here, I weigh myself every day, sometimes even twice a day. I'm motivated a lot if I see no gain when I expected one, or a small gain from a a bad day. If I don't weigh myself I delude myself into thinking I"m doing fine" and probably steer off course a bit, treat myself, etc. I need that daily feedback mechanism to keep me going- whether it's "ok good, I'm losing!" or "crap, I have to do better today."