Made a deal with the devil today

  • The devil being my brother. He used to work at our local gym as a personal trainer. He doesn't anymore but still trains his friends in our basement. So we were talking today and I told him I gained 2.6 last week and lost 1.2 this week. He then asked what my current weight was and my goal weight so I told him 150 and 120. He said that I have 30 pounds left to lose and better bust my a s s he then continued to say "i mean I would bust it for you but you wont be able to function if I train you" so I basically said bring it. So his own personal workout calls for x-amount of chicken a week and hes unemployed so cant buy it himself. I agreed to buy him chicken in exchange for training. My training will consist of weight training and working me out with my own weight. I think ill start this weekend. Kill me now! But it will help with toning and I'll build muscle as well as lose my weight..I hope. This is gonna hurt, ESPECIALLY because hes my brother and lives to torture me anyways.
  • What an awesome opportunity. Go HARD!!
  • Go hard or go home, that's my new motto. I just really hope that I don't gain weight instead of lose it.
  • I (and a lot of people) have found that you need to diet for weight loss and train for strength and endurance.

    I bet you'll see an initial gain from working your muscles so hard and might even see a plateau if you are building muscle to replace lost fat.

    See if you can also track measurements and body fat, not just weight. It's not a good barometer of fitness.
  • Well yeah, hes a trainer...they do measurements of course
  • That's great! I know it seems like he's going to "kill" you, but I'd love to have an in-home trainer! Plus I am sure he'll be on your butt to make sure you stick to the program. Have fun though!
  • I love that you're paying him in chicken! Good luck and have fun!
  • haha his idea. I just looked at him at first but I guess I should expect that with my brother. Kids a garbage disposal. Thank you guys!
  • I think I'd let people pay me in chicken. Good stuff!

    Good luck! I hope you reach your goals soon!
  • Thank you!