Not again....need help getting started!

  • I am in my late 30's...weight has fluctuated b/w 170 (good) and 240 (bad) off and on last 10 yrs. Back at 240...I just need motivation. Very busy parent of 3 young kids and business exec - but I have to do this right this time. Would love to hear from those who have been there. Started today - back at the gym tomorrow. But...the thought of how much I have to lose is overwhelming. In the past, it was always 20...or 30. Now, its 70! Thanks to all for any support you can provide.
  • I've been there. The most difficult part is the first month.

    I suggest you think about your kids as motivation. Do you want them to be embarrassed to be seen with you in public or proud to be seen with you in public? Do you want to be on 10 different medications daily to control your high BP and diabetes? (Those will happen if you don't take action.) Do you want to die before you're 60?

    Since you've been down this road before you probably did it wrong. You probably over did it, tried to do things too fast. You didn't realize that what you really need is an entirely different lifestyle.

    I don't know what your current plan is but all you need to do is lift weights 3 x a week and control calories. You can be in and out of the gym in an hour. Eating less won't take any more time.
    • You being busy is not an excuse. You can spare 3 hours a week.
    Be prepared to do this for the rest of your life. Your health and body are something you only have one lifetime to get right. It should take a year or slightly more to hit your target weight and after that it should be a breeze to maintain it.
  • My cardiologist said

    "Look around, you won't see any old fat men"

    I looked, he was right.

    The biggest problem we have is ourselves
  • Well said...both of you! Hard to argue either point
  • yep - good points all around. Made it to the gym bright and early today...definately felt good when I left and helped me to remember what that feels like.
  • How's your diet? IMO, having a "clean" diet nailed down is superior for weight loss than going to a gym. The gym is just the supercharger.

    You say you're a busy you find time to eat properly?
  • Hi rollercoasterjoe - Good news that a gym visit got the old neurons remembering how good that felt.

    What works for me is planning - an eating plan and an exercise plan. It's much easier for me to stick to my plan today than it is for me to decide to eat this rather than that. My take is that's the core of the Cognitive Therapy approach which sounds simplistic, but works.

    What eating plan has worked for you before?
  • Don't worry too much about "finding time to exercise". While there are many beneficial reasons to exercise, I think it's well established that losing weight is primarily driven by reducing caloric intake.

    Focus on laying out a food plan that works for you. Established routine is a good thing in dieting. "I did it yesterday... I can do it again..."

    Starvation/crash diets just lead to binges and they don't ingrain good habits. Steady progress is better.

    Remember that a pound of fat can heat ten gallons of water for minutes. There is a lot of energy stored! So, don't get frustrated losing just a little bit of it each week. Patience is your ally.
  • In the past - I have basically followed the South Beach approach. I know there a lot of variations to that now...but I keep it pretty simple. I agree. I had been doing well, unfortunately a weekend family trip/birthday interputed the momentum. What diet plans have worked for you guys?
  • Motivation to help get started I can't really help with. I would tell you to push yourself to the point of wanting it badly enough.

    A diet plan that works however I can help a bit with.

    First and foremost unless you have some form of problem with your body like a medical condition or blood pressure or whatever else is out there right now, you should be eating from all the food groups.

    Meat, Fruit, Vegetable, Dairy and Grain.

    Whole Grains, Shredded Wheat, Oatmeal, healthy bread with at least 3g of fiber in it. Just some Grain ideas.

    Skim Milk, Cottage Cheese, or any cheese for that matter are some good choices to incorporate into your nutrition for dairy.

    Carrots, Celery, lettuce, spinach, Peas, Beans of any kind really. Heck you can toss some carrots and celery into a stew with some beef, some potatoes some onion and some garlic, add some pepper and a bit of salt and you have yourself a nice healthy stew. Vegetable choices are fun to play with.

    Bananas are some of my favorite things to eat, berries of all kind as well, apples, fruit juice as well so long as it isn't one of those completely sugared water juices. Fruits are easy for me to deal with I love fruit.

    Then we got Chicken, Beef, Pork, all easily made into lean cuts, all equally delicious in my eyes. We also have eggs but it's not meat, but I love them anyway.

    Now I suggest you pick your favorites from all the groups, find out a serving size, and how many calories is in each serving size, write down what and how much of everything you eat every day, vary it up from time to time if you are getting bored, and keep exercising.

    I don't recommend to anyone anything other then listening to your body and eating when you know you are hungry and eating healthy, filling foods when you do that. Keep that up with exercise and in time you are bound to see results. The only tricky part, is getting yourself to do that. It requires a lot of self discipline, but I'm a firm believer of healthy eating in general over specific diets. See what works for you though, and like I said listen to what your body is saying.