Hanging on for dear life...

  • ...it's been a very stressful week, make it year for that matter. On top of everything else, we moved last weekend and I'm having a little difficulty transitioning. My house is a disaster zone, I barely know where anything is, I had to join a new gym, my commute is longer, my running routes are new. I just feel completely disoriented.

    I'm hanging in there, but the stress is really started to get to me and exercise isn't quite taking the edge off. I'm feeling the tremblings of stress eating coming on, and I'm fighting it tooth and nail. It's a good test for me I guess, but on the other hand it's contributing to my overall stress levels, I'm freaked out that this situation could send me over the edge and I'll end up on the other side again.

    The good news is, I guess anyway, that I had my orientation at the gym yesterday with a trainer and had my body fat test. My home scale has been telling me 27-30% which was really bumming me out, he told me I was 21.5%! AND that the average women was 25%. Of course, he then went on to tell me that since I was a runner that I should be closer to 15% and that he could do all sorts of stuff to help me reach that. He was sincere about it, I actually know the guy, I went to high school with him, so that was a situation within itself.

    Anyway, I just needed to vent a little...I feel pretty unstable right now and just need a little 3FC support! I guess this is what they mean when they say that an online support system is key to maintenance.
  • Okay! So, deep breaths... Ahhhhhh... that's right, innnn... and ouuuut...

    The BEST thing you can do to help yourself right now is not to leave your meals and snacks up to chance. Yes, it's a mess. Yes, everything is new. My gosh, you might as well have landed on the moon! I completely understand, having moved several times in my life...

    And of course, it has to be at this time of year.

    So, as I said, get that food in order. Make sure that when you are hungry, tired, etc. there is something good for you to reach for. Something good, something that will nourish you and that you won't have to fuss over to get ready. Ideas: Cold cuts from the deli. Baby carrots and hummus. Heck, Lean Cuisines can be a real saver at times like this!

    Drink water, don't forget that. Sometimes what we think is hunger is really thirst in disguise.

    Get enough rest. I know, you're lol about that... but really! Rome or home, it's not going to be built in a day.

    Sounds like you're doing good with the exercise--I'd say, much as your trainer would like to reduce your body fat, you put a hold on that plan until after things get more settled down at home. The thing you DON'T need right now is a new challenge, know what I mean?

    Hang in there... be kind to yourself... don't worry... this will turn out OK.

  • Weight maintenance if FOREVER. Maintaining your weight is for LIFE.

    This period is NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. A period of adjustment won't send you spiralling back to being unfit and overweight. Treat this like when you first started your fitness program: be patient, be calm, and ease into everything.

    A longer commute sucks, but you might find some shortcuts soon to decrease the journey time. New running routes will shock your body, which probably adjusted to the old routes. When your body adjusts to exercise it burns less calories, so your new routes will rev up the calorie burn! A new gym means you might find some new equipment, new classes, and new friends!

    If the exercise isn't working then maybe you could try a new exercise? Keep your new 15% body fat goal in mind instead of focusing on the stress. You can do it!
  • Ah... I moved back in September. New city, new house, new schools for my kids, new schedule, new commute. Totally stressful.

    Hang in there. You'll develop a new routine before you know it.