i need to lose more than 100 pounds!?!

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  • *sigh* ok, i just needed to type that somewhere and make it official. Cuz i do.

    i started out sometime in 2009 after a miscarriage after IVF at 258 pounds. Since then, i have dabbled in various plans and have found myself today at 241.1. So, i do have some things going in the right direction, but at this rate, it will take me 10 years

    3 weeks ago today i became a vegan after learning about the meat and dairy industry. i thought this would really help with my weight loss and i was down to 238.3 but here i am. 237 seems to be my magic number i just * can't * break * across and i am not sure if it psychological or just coincidence.

    Honestly, i think i can get to 120's and still look healthy cuz of my frame but we shall see, i haven't set a goal yet, all i know is if i lose 100 pounds off of 241 ain't nobody going to say that ain't healthy, so i have probably more than 100 pounds to lose.

    i started a blog but i just needed to talk this morning so thank you for listening to me vent. it's a bit of an adventure meshing vegan-ism with diet but i am working on it & learning.

    100 pounds just seems so insurmountable and the weight seems so stubborn.

  • I needed to (& did) lose 165 pounds.

    I urge you to not let the numbers scare you. Losing weight and lots of it IS a doable thing. For any one and every one, yourself included. You are capable of it. You do have the ability. We all do.

    Again, don't let the numbers scare you. I broke it down into 10 pounds mini-goals. When one goal was met, I moved onto the next... I stuck with my plan like glue, like glue and before you know it those 10 pound increments kept disappearing.

    How do you lose that amount of weight? You decide to. You decide to and than you must be WILLING to do what's necessary to make it happen.

    That's why the days of dieting are over with. For me, it was deciding to overhaul my lifestyle, once and for all, no matter what and permanently. And since it was/is a permanent change, the amount of weight I needed to lose was inconsequential.

    So, what's your mode of attack? What's your strategy for taking the weight off? How are you going to go about getting the job done?
  • I'm at 72/120 off, so it is possible.

    Trial and error has taught me that I'm not too good at achieving set mini-goals but that I just LOVE to look back and see the huge number I'm dragging behind me; or rather, that I'm Not dragging any more!

    The absolute must for me is planning.
    I worked out a calorie budget;
    I discovered - more trial and error - that I do best on lower (but not Low) carb, and that wheat bread makes me bloat;
    I developed the habit of Always saying no to food unexpectedly offered (takes away temptation and decision-making, the answer is always No);
    I log everything I eat and drink in software to make absolutely sure that my calories/carbs are right but also to make sure I'm getting the right nutrients (eating 'well' but not nutritiously enough is a fast route to disaster);
    I weigh daily, once, after the bathroom (this teaches me that *I'm* in control of my body, and that odd scales readings are just that, odd, and not the blessing or curse of some evil devil living therein);
    I come to 3fc many times a day, as work permits. I can be sure that any time I don't want to be bothered with this site, is a sure sign that my mindset is slipping, so I get myself here pronto.

    Good luck with your plans!
  • You are in the right place, I can tell you that. My first post here was lamenting that this place was a club I never wanted to join, but I'm so glad to have the support here! Here, you will be surrounded by ALOT of success!

    My biggest success came from committing to a year of remaining on plan no matter what. My biggest pitfall in the past has been giving up because I make it too hard and my results are too slow...for me. This time I got really curious about where I could be in a year's time if I simply didn't give up.

    I have a baseline of exercise which is spin class M/W/F and lifting T/Th. I can do more than that, but if I find myself wanting to give up because I've made it too hard, I have that baseline of must-do to fall back on. Currently I also run three evenings a month, but that's extra because I'm in the mood for it.

    I calorie count with a heavy emphasis on mostly whole foods. I love eating foods from scratch. But I'm not militant about it. Every once in a while I'm not opposed to mac and cheese from a box, for instance. BUT it's now a small side dish. Half of a family size box is no longer a serving.

    My diet has definitely evolved over this past year. I started out with simple easy to count foods like Slim Fast, Lean Cuisine and protein bars. Little by little I deleted those and added wonderful vegetables I'd never tried before like winter squash and brussels sprouts and I learned that vegetables are wonderful roasted! My recent change has been the ousting of HFCS as much as possible. I've been on a mission to find bread I don't have bake myself.

    Losing large amounts of weight is possible! We aren't all fast losers, and that's ok! So it's going to take some time. But next year at this time if you can be 40 pounds lighter, would you be happy with that?
  • Just so you know, vegan does not equal thin.

    I was on again off again veggie and vegan for the last year. I gained 40 lbs.

    I found myself eating way too many carbs. At first it was easier to be veg'n cuz I had a lot more time and money. Time to cook and the money to buy good food. Then we hit hard times and it was pasta and grilled cheese and salad for about 6 months.

    Just be careful of falling into the veg'n fat trap! :P

    I have since decided to eat meat again (I am b12 deficient, I also take sublinguals) and for a few other reasons....but we're also less broke now. ha. When we ate out, (which we did more then), I would get a fried vegetable or something, zucchini, onion rings, and have since decided that a grilled meat was probably better. ha.

    I'm not saying, by any stretch, don't be veg, I kind of wish I could still do it, just more like I did the first half of the year. ha. just saying be careful of the way you go about it, I asked people on a veg board if it could have been making me gain and everyone said no. They were wrong. It's just as easy to eat poorly veg as it is to eat poorly with meat.

    also, re: the time required to lose 100 lbs.

    The time will pass anyhow. Might as well get on your way.
  • Welcome! You're in the right place. 100 pounds is a scary number, but like others I've broken it down. I work in 5 pound increments, and have even broken that down further. I weigh myself in the morning and in the evening, and of course the evening weight is always a few pounds higher. So for example my next goal is to be under 175 in the morning, and then it will be to under 175 at night. So I'm always working on a 2-3 pound goal - because sometimes I just find even 10 pounds to be too much to think about!

    Many of us here have found calorie counting to be quite effective (and others also include keeping carbs at a certain level). All I worry about at present is calories and keeping my food choices healthy, and things have been going really well! Anyhow just wanted to welcome you and look forward to "seeing" you around!
  • Quote:
    The time will pass anyhow. Might as well get on your way.

    I love this........gonna be my new motto! thanks!

    and i love the idea of 10lbs at a time
  • You're right. 100 Pounds seems insane. Impossible. Only, it's not! I felt the same way when I started. Like, "how on earth am I going to do this??" But one pound at a time it will come off if you stick with it. Like they say, the time will pass anyway! May as well be thinner as it goes by. And welcome
  • Keeping small goals as others have suggested is a must. I'm also starting around where you are and losing close to 100 pounds.

    Just break it down in small chunks and then make changes in your diet to help that happen. Add exercise to help gain muscle mass I wouldn't worry too much about the goal and what you will look like. As long as you feel healthy, and fit into the clothes you want to wear. You may get down to 140 or 130 and feel good.
  • I've lost 160 pounds so far and still have another 40 I want to lose. It does seem overwhelming, I know but it can be done. You have all of us here rootin for ya . Good luck with your goals
  • Welcome!! This is the most amazing place to be!! Can't wait to get to know you more!!
  • Quote: Just so you know, vegan does not equal thin.

    I was on again off again veggie and vegan for the last year. I gained 40 lbs.

    I found myself eating way too many carbs. At first it was easier to be veg'n cuz I had a lot more time and money. Time to cook and the money to buy good food. Then we hit hard times and it was pasta and grilled cheese and salad for about 6 months.

    Just be careful of falling into the veg'n fat trap! :P

    I have since decided to eat meat again (I am b12 deficient, I also take sublinguals) and for a few other reasons....but we're also less broke now. ha. When we ate out, (which we did more then), I would get a fried vegetable or something, zucchini, onion rings, and have since decided that a grilled meat was probably better. ha.

    I'm not saying, by any stretch, don't be veg, I kind of wish I could still do it, just more like I did the first half of the year. ha. just saying be careful of the way you go about it, I asked people on a veg board if it could have been making me gain and everyone said no. They were wrong. It's just as easy to eat poorly veg as it is to eat poorly with meat.

    also, re: the time required to lose 100 lbs.

    The time will pass anyhow. Might as well get on your way.
    I think this is a big dieting myth, that vegans can't get fat. LOL! Not that I've ever tried, but I used to think this too. Of course, that was back when I thought "vegetarian" meant "eating only vegetables". Yes, I thought that as a teenager. But I've known a few vegetarians who had pretty bad diets. Donuts, mac and cheese, bean burritos with the works, sugar cereal, white potatoes and white bread, peanut butter and jelly, etc. I could name a whole bunch of foods that fit into the "vegetarian" diet. (Not necessarily vegan, I know)

    Anyway, I can definitely see how going vegetarian isn't necessarily the ticket to weight loss.
  • I am in the same boat you are. I wanted to lose 130 pounds total. I am down 26 of those, so I am making progress.

    It is possible to do it on a vegan diet. Just watch your carbs. Eat more whole foods. For example, my lunch today was a veggie dog and grilled asparagus seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. It was delicious and WAY healthier than french fries!
  • WELCOME!!!

    I am so glad you posted. You will find the folks here are wise, helpful and friendly.

    I also agree that having 100 pounds to lose doesn't seem manageable because it's such a HUGE number. But....I take it in five pound mini goals. That has been a very good approach for me.

    Most (but not all) of the folks here believe strongly in planning. For me - it's plan, plan and plan some more.

    You CAN do this!
  • thank you to all my new friends.

    i do watch what i eat while being vegan. i know that i need nutrients i won't find in french fries & potato chips. i didn't mean to make it sound like i think it's an easy ticket. i eat whole foods, no HFCS or sugar, and limit myself to one serving of fake meat per day (ie, veggieburger). i think it's really more of a patience thing. And an acceptance that when it comes to weight loss, i have to work harder. yeah, suck it up, it's life, this is my issue. lol!

    You guys are right that the time will pass, i may as well make it work for me! my dad always tried to tell me this, but i didn't "get it" until i went back to school. for two years i was working my butt off and i ended up with mono and hospitilized for a week-but i graduated! The time passed, and while it was hard, a year is still a year, a week is still a week, you may as well squeeze everything you can out of it, thank you for reminding me of this.

    i do eat low carb, but i get a little frustrated figuring things out-do you ever feel like *everyone* wants you to think their stuff is healthy? try bread, i read labels, and i'm more confused when i am done than when i started. (btw if you know of a good whole grain bread not just whole grain flour bread pls share!!!).

    Another positive thing about vegan is when i am tempted (which i often am) i all back on the ethical reasons for this. Today i wanted some nacho cheese, but i just don't want to participate in that industry. It's good having 2 motives lol.

    i also exercise a minimum of 30 minutes per day, either walking outside or a stationary bike.

    i just wanted to say *thank you*, getting encouragement from people who have DONE IT is like a wonderful gift. i can do it too, but i didn't get fat overnight, and i ain't gonna lose it in three weeks.

    <I developed the habit of Always saying no to food unexpectedly offered (takes away temptation and decision-making, the answer is always No);> i love this idea and i also love computer time as a gauge for "motivation"-i will feel motivated if i keep visiting here and keep up on my blog. And i know if i take time to *think* about things and computer time makes me think about things when i want to zone out in la-la land and just EAT. thank you for listening!!!! You are all wonderful.
