Oven Fries

  • I cooked hamburgers on the charcoal grill last night and wanted to try oven fries for a change. They didn't turn out like I had hoped they would. Hereis what I did...

    Sliced unpeeled potatoes, tossed them in olive oil and ranch dressing mix. Place them on a sheet pan lined with foil. Baked at 450 degrees for about 12 min. then stirred/flipped them and baked them about 20-25 min. longer.

    They turned out more like my roasted potatoes. How do I get them to crisp up? I started to put them under the broiler, but I hate using the broiler....I'm lazy and don't like to clean it.

    Any tips?
  • Were your strips small enough? When I make them, I cut them up into about 1/2 inch strips and I bake them at 425 for 25 mins, and then I flip them and raise the temp to 500 and bake for 8-10 mins...

  • I thought I had cut them thin/small enough, but can't say I measured them. That baking technique sounds good, though. Do they turn out crispy?