Fat Free Cream Cheese?

  • Just bought the new Thomas 110 calorie flat bagels and fat free cream cheese. I haven't opened it yet, but was wondering if anyone has tried it and if it tastes anything like the 1/3 less fat. I've had that, but noticed like a 50 calorie difference so I thought I'd try the fat free. Your thoughts
  • I use it a lot. In recipies, too. Did you get the mini bagles? I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.

    I get the walmart brand, I think... And for calorie savings, I'm willing to be okay with the taste. It's not the SAME, but its okay.
  • I use the fat free Philly cream cheese and I like it!
  • Philly is what I bought. I look forward to trying it tomorrow. thank u

    kateleestar - no these are reg size bagels but no tons of bread in the middle. Like a flagel. I've tried getting a bagel and asking to dig it out, but i cave so often and don't ask and eat the whole thing. this way there is no temptation of eating a whole bagel.
  • Those sound amazing! I just use the teeny ones, they are the same cals..
  • just had my flagel with the fat free cream cheese. it was very good. Not to much of a difference in taste at all