Ouch, that stings!

  • No, not my eyebrows, lol!

    A massive 1.3lbs bounce up this morning. Wow.

    I was as 100% on plan yesterday as I've been for 88 days now, so it's a bit of a mystery. Flo doesn't visit any more, so it's not that.

    Now, I took a decision weeks ago just to observe rises and falls, and not to get upset by them. I've stuck by that, and haven't moaned at all, and I'm not now - but ouch! that one stung this morning!
  • It's frustrating isn't it, but you know it will come back off again.
    I had a bounce up yesterday for no reason other than more sodium possibly, but I tried not to let it get me down and it's gone again today thankfully.
    I never thought daily weighing would be for me, but the longer I do it the more sensible it seems for me, seeing the daily fluctations rather than pinning all my hopes on one weigh in a week.
  • I had the same thing happen to me except it was 1.5 lbs! I'm not sure what happened but it came off fast and I lost a few more pounds really quickly after that. Us women have amazing bodies! Mother nature knows what she is doing.

  • Aye, we are wonderfully made!
  • Yesterday I was up 2#s and today I am down 3#s!!
  • I'm up five pounds. Now, it's my TOM; but 5 pounds?!?! I have been trying to not think about it...
  • OK, let's all follow toobig!!!!!
  • I have pretty drastic daily swings that I think are related to my IBS. I have gotten pretty used to it and know my patterns but every now and then it bothers me.

    Rosinante, since you have been on plan, I am sure that it is one of those temporary things. Also, does your scale always sit in the same spot? When I first started here, someone posted about moving their scale and how it affected the weight. Mine has to live under a counter so I make sure every morning to line it up exactly on one certain tile in my bathroom before weighing. That has helped my consistency.
  • Thats why I don't weigh every day lol that would drive me crazy. I am sure it will come right back off though!
  • bounce bounce bounce... our bodies are bouncy. I anticipate a loss for you in the morrow
  • I've been up 2.5 all week and today I was down 1.5. It's really bizarre.


  • I really hate bounces.

  • I used a salty salad dressing 2 days and was up 4 pounds! Quit using that salad dressing and dropped the water weight off in a day. I was going to the rest room about every 30 minutes, lol. I drank lots of water to help flush it out of my system.
    Did you eat anything with lots of sodium in it?
  • Our bodies are simply amazing lol everything from hormone fluctuations to too much salt can just mess with our minds if we let it.

    I had to mentally separate myself when I stepped on the scale....it's hard to not let it bother you but you can do it!!