Hey everyone! I'm New!!

  • My name is Ashley, I am 22 years old. I have battled with my weigh for most of my life. I know i'll never be the little size zero 110 pound female. my body frame just wouldnt have it. I am 5'7 and what they consider "big boned" lol i actually lost alot of weight back in 2007. i went from 230 to 165-170. and i was very happy with my size. sadly it didnt last very long. I lost my dad in April of 2008. he had been sick most of my life. he had a heart transplant in 1996 (i was 9 years old) so his health has been a up and down rollercoaster. but i do know i was blessed to have my dad in my life for as long as he was here. he was a fighter, and a very very great dad. and i miss him so much. ... back to my story... i started gaining all of my weight back when we lost him. i guess im a emotional eater. so i just over did things. and im still doing it. i eat when im bored, or sad. or whenever.

    another thing....i had severe anxiety attacks after my dad passed away...and the day it started ..i had worked all day...and didnt eat anything..and it started by me getting very shaky and light headed...(frm not eating) so now days...i make myself eat even if im not hungry just to prevent that from happening again. (i know this may sound crazy to others...but i really want to share everything with yall)

    thank u for listening to my story...i hope to meet alot of new friends here..and learn alot!!

  • Hi Ashley and welcome to 3FC.

    Good luck with your goals.

  • Welcome!