
  • Hey everyone!

    I've never joined a forum before and thought I'd give it a try. I was surfing the web and found this site and saw all the success stories, and I got extremely motivated and am hoping for some help.

    So I guess I'll introduce myself, I am Kim, a 21 year old college student. In high school, I used to run cross country and play basketball. Each and every single day, I was up early working out, sometimes getting two-a-days in. I had a chance to play basketball in college, but after tearing my PCL my senior year, most of my offers were rescinded. Now I am going into my last year of college, and a couple weeks ago, I was flipping through some old pictures from high school, and felt slightly embarrassed. Back then, I was 120 lbs and 5'5", nowadays, I'm about 160 lbs. I can't say that I didn't see it coming. My mom, a small little Asian woman, would constantly comment on my weight. At times, I just shrugged it off, but other times, it really hurt. And the more upset about it, the more I told myself I would lose weight, but every time I didn't see results, I would just go back to eating.

    My friends would say that I don't need to lose weight, and to that, I do have a muscular build. But the problem is, is that I'm not happy with the way I look. People always say you should be happy with your body, but I can't even stand looking at pictures that people take of me. All I see is how fat my cheeks are.

    I am hoping that you all can help me out on my journey to lose weight

    Any ideas of how to get started? Should I start counting calories?

  • Hi Kim.....I'm no expert but I started out just eating Healthier & by eating about half of what I had been! I Love to when I eat out I make a healthier selection & always get a To-Go Box before I even begin eating & put Half of the food out for later! This keeps me from eating the whole thing! I'm trying to exercisee at least 5 days a week. Good Luck! There's lots of good support & information here!
  • LLMW1951- I love your to-go box idea! I'm definitely going to do that from now on!

    Asiannoodle: I would consult my dr first before going on any weight loss system. You have to figure out if you want to lose muscle too. You mentioned that you had a muscular build, and please remember, that muscle weighs more than fat. I met this girl at a gym recently, she was gorgeous! A size 3/4 about 5'2'' tall, but she weighed 160 lbs. She was all muscle, but looked very feminine. I would trade my body and weight for hers any day! Good luck! Just remember, we are all built differently. My body didn't turn out exactly the way i wanted it to, (loose skin contributed) but I do feel better. Just know when to stop and start maintaining. That's the best advice i can give someone. I often see girls that reach their goal always wanting to add 10 lbs more to lose, even though they look great. Be healthy first, then your body will love you!
  • That too go box is a wonderful idea.

    and hello, Kim. I say the one thing you need is to be paient. When i see girls on her get so mad because thye arent seeing results, i get fustrated because the weight doesnt come off as quickly as it came on. You have to work hard, but it will happen.

    Stick a picture of what you look like on the fridge or in your car when your out so if you ever get the urge to eat bad look at that and ask yourself will eating this horrible food get me where i want to be.

    hope this has helped you.