The Flu! :(

  • Why does it always happen like this?? I get in the groove of working out daily, I'm seeing major scale results and even more major measurement results - and BAM! - I'm hit with the worst flu I've had in YEARS. I can't climb the stairs without feeling shakey, let alone go work out.

    I'm so worried I will have trouble getting back on plan and I'm so worried that I will lose the good results I worked so hard for!

    Just had to vent...
  • If you're feeling that out of the loop, might I suggest looking into "Sit and be fit"? It's a program designed for the elderly/unable to move very well, and it sounds pretty easy, but it's actually a pretty slow paced workout and gets your heart rate up without tons of moving. Just for those days where you feel guilty for not doing anything, you know? Heck, I did it- I'm doing more of her work outs, too, along with my harder Tubro Jam and Ab Bootcamp ones.
  • Hang in there. I hope you get better soon
  • So sorry to hear that you have the flu! Don't worry... when you get to feeling better in a few days, you will be looking forward to getting back to your program. You're just feeling ill and having self doubt. You will get through this! Take care.
  • Hope you feel better! You'll get back on track. For now, just rest and take it easy.
  • This always happens to me too! I get sick, or something stops me from working out; I feel so miserable and like I've not done enough.

    Just make sure you commit to staying on track as soon as you feel well enough! You've made a promise to yourself to be healthier so stick with it!

    I hope you feel better soon