Half Way to Goal, starting 30 day shred!

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  • sgregg: Hey you stole my name! lol, 'cept imma 2 'n' kinda girl

    So..after reading good things about 30 day shred I downloaded it (I'm extremely impatient) and started yesterday and wow I must be out of shape because I can hardly bend my legs!! My thighs are sooo sore! But I'm gonna stick to it, I mean, it can only get better right?!
  • It totally gets better! I'm on day 5 and feel so much better during the workout. I bumped up from using 3 lb weights to 5 lb ones, and I was even able to do some of the pushups on my toes!

    Days 1-3 were pretty tough, it hurt to walk, to bend, to (tmi) sit down to pee! But yesterday and today I'm starting to feel back to normal.