P90x how I hate thee

  • Hello everyone after going over my stock pile of Medifast packets I miscounted I'll be joining everyone next week. To get to my topic I just fished workout #1 of phase 1 of P90x and all I can say it it is rough. Tony I believe is out to kill me. I hope everyone has a great week and I'll check back in later on. sbweezy may be hurting a little too she just did her first p90x work out also.
  • I can imagine!! I got out of breath just watching the infomercial!

    You get beat worse than if you were at Biggest Loser Ranch .. LOL
    Good for you for even giving it a go!
  • I just bought that program for my husband for his 35th birthday, I figure he is really in for it Good luck!
  • I don't hurt YET...but the day is still young...

    I am excited you got to do this. Day one...DONE...only 89 more to go!
