When do full episodes go online/on demand?

  • Last week was preempted by NBA playoffs. grrrr. Anyone know when I can get the episode online or on demand?
  • The whole season of Biggest Loser is presently at hulu.com. It is where I have watched the whole thing.


    The most current episode it shows is episode 13. (I'm not sure what the last one that aired was, sorry.)
  • episode 14 is what aired this week. I think it goes to hulu, nbc and on demand at the same time.
  • Check tonight's (Saturday) listing. Sometimes NBC reruns it on Sat. night. The NBC website usually puts them online the day after the next episode airs. So, this week's show wouldn't be online until next Wed. Also, do you have Prime Time On Demand? You could see if it's on there yet.
  • I ended up picking it up last night on the Fine Living Channel. It was not on demand when I looked last.