Please Tell Me It's Possible to Get Back on Track...Please!

  • I just need some encouragement.

    I’ve been pretty off plan for the past month now. I’ve had three or four day stretches that I did pretty well, but then I blew it on the weekend or just gave in for no reason. I’ve pretty much stopped working out and I’m indulging myself left and right.

    I found out yesterday that I am pregnant. However, the pregnancy is not viable and I will be having a DNC done this Saturday. They said I should have miscarried by now, but for some reason it has not happened. So on the one hand, I’m thinking, “Well, I’m pregnant, I can’t lose weight anyway and I feel like crap, so I shouldn’t be so hard on myself.” But on the other hand I can see myself staying on this destructive path forever, continuing to find excuses and putting off getting back on the wagon. The thought of gaining all my weight back is terrifying. (Just because I have a feeling someone will ask: I am not upset about the pregnancy being terminated. I wouldn’t say I relieved, but I don’t think it would be the best for me to have a baby right now.)

    I’ve already gained about five pounds. I know that I truly have gained some back because of my excessive eating and lack of exercise, but my friend said that some of it might be water weight and weight from pregnancy “matter”? Does that happen? I’m embarrassingly ignorant on pregnancy and weight matters…when I was pregnant with my son, I actually lost weight during the pregnancy and a great deal after I had him.

    Someone please tell me that they’ve managed to get fully back on track and be successful after such a long bingeing period and setbacks such as these. I need to know it’s possible.
  • It sounds like you are going through a seriously emotionally straining time... it is understandable to struggle with staying on plan and with falling back into your old coping mechanisms.

    As far as your question, of course it is entirely possible to get back on track after you have had a long binging period. I would wager that 99% of the people on 3FC who have made it to their goal weights didn't do it in the first shot... they struggled like the rest of us. You have to learn about yourself in this weightloss process.

    That being said, to get back on track you really just have to force yourself to do it. No one can give you the willpower or force you to put down the cookies. It is up to you to decide what you want more...
  • Listen, you CAN get back on track--but I would suggest you wait until after your D&C procedure. Even though the pregnancy is not viable, your hormones are likely still geared up for it, and even after the procedure it will take some time for your body to get back to normal.

    I'm not a doctor or health professional, so you should ask your doctors and/or nurses about what to expect from this.

    In the meantime, I'd say try to eat moderately. Don't give in to your every whim, and remember to use portion control. You'll feel better faster if you are eating in a more healthy way until this is past.

    Good luck!
  • Quote: I found out yesterday that I am pregnant. However, the pregnancy is not viable and I will be having a DNC done this Saturday. They said I should have miscarried by now, but for some reason it has not happened. .
    Hey - I just wanted to say this happened to me in January (almost exactly) and I was devastated. Please, be easy on yourself during this time. It took me longer than I thought to get over it!! The actual procedure was just fine and physically I felt fine in a day. So, please don't dread the DNC or worry too much.

    During this sad time, what I told myself was "sad calories count too" and that kind of helped me stay on track. I also reminded myself that as sad as I felt, I would feel even worse if I gained weight and none of my clothes fit.
  • Hang in there! I have been in a binge after great progress boat also, albeit I didn't have the emotional stresses that you are dealing with. I think it is good advice to try to just eat healthy and focus on your feelings. I lost weight and got into pretty good shape before my recent wedding. But then on the honeymoon I ate whatever, whenever and didn't exercise. When I got home I was eating fast food and ordering pizza way too often. I felt so good on my wedding day, I really thought I'd conquered the junk food habit. Now I don't have an amazing success story to declare....yet, but I DO know that I have managed to get back on track. It's been only a short time. Really too short to say I have beat the slump yet, but I am feeling good, and have my old motivation back. I feel ready to eat for health and vitality, not to feed some unnamed food craving. And I am excited to move my body and be strong and healthy. You CAN get the drive and motivation back and you CAN start losing weight again.
    For me it has helped to focus on how my body feels. Eating junk I felt like junk. I was groggy, had a hard time getting moving in the morning and so low on energy I didn't have motivation to accomplish anything. Eating better helps you feel better. Even if you arent seeing immediate weightloss, it gives a happier outlook.