Glad that people are noticing, but enough already

  • I don't know what the difference in these last 15 lbs have been but I've been getting way more "Have you lost weight?", "You look Great". I can feel it too. I finally feel thin and fit (*normal* if you will) and my clothes are fitting great. While I love the validation, encouragement, etc. I kinda wish it would stop. I'm really having a hard time feeling like this new thinner version of me is my body and I feel like if people would stop noticing I'd stop thinking about it ALL the time and it it would start feeling like my body and maybe I'd forget that I've lost all this weight and could just be ME. It's hard enough that all I think about practically is losing the rest of the weight and then maintaining the weight it would be great to talk to people about something other than weight loss sometimes. Anyway, sorry to rant like this, I know it's a ridiculous problem to have and I should just be greatfull and shut up.
  • Right there with you. I'm so bored of the weight loss talk. And now the pressure of "what" I'm eating is here. For example, I count every calorie that enters my body. So if I choose to have a couple of french fries at lunch I know I'm okay, but boy do I get the looks from people who know I'm dieting....which I keep trying to remind myslef and others this is not a diet but a complete life changing way of bieng.
  • Perhaps you could turn it around and ask them if they've lost some weight, what are they doing differently, etc. Some people will get the hint and shut up, while others will just thank you for the compliment and start wondering "hmm... have I lost weight?" which takes the focus off you.
  • Quote: I'm really having a hard time feeling like this new thinner version of me is my body and I feel like if people would stop noticing I'd stop thinking about it ALL the time and it it would start feeling like my body and maybe I'd forget that I've lost all this weight and could just be ME.
    Are you kidding me? People are just starting to notice? Girlie, you have lost 99 freakin' lbs! Of course people are noticing and commenting! Did you just buy some new clothes that fit better so that people are finally noticing or has this been going on for awhile?

    I hear you on wishing the comments would stop and eventually it will slow down. Over time you will get used to your new slimmer body. I usually just say "thank you" and move on after other people's comments. If they ask how I will respond with a simple "eating better/less and exercising more". If they need more info I will try to explain but I've found that people don't really want to know the truth (because they already know it), they're after a magic pill.
  • I understand you completely. I LOVE the compliments and the fact that people are noticing but I'm ready to move on and I don't need constant reminders of people telling me that I look great which only makes me think of my once fat self. GAG! I just want my body to be a normal "average" girl that no one says anything about, except maybe how cute my outfit is
  • Probably in time, the people who are commenting now will get used to the new you. And you will too. And then they will say you have a cute outfit. Be proud of what you've accomplished, and if you just than them with no further comments, it should politely stop them from continuing to chatter at you.

  • I'm right there with you. I ran into a couple of my sisters the other night at the grocery store. And one, who I love dearly but has a loud mouth, starts shouting across check-stands: "YOU LOOK SO MUCH THINNER?! HOW MUCH WEIGHT HAVE YOU LOST?! ARE YOU BUYING SOMETHING HEALTHY?!". I'm grateful for the compliments, yes, but at the same time, I don't want to tell you how much weight I've lost (because I can watch you do the math backwards), I'll eat whatever I darn well please and we're in the grocery store!

    I think the best thing to do is just wait it out. Soon enough, the "thin" you will be the only you. People won't make so many comments because you'll have been thin for the past 6 months, 2 years, 3 decades.... and that will just be the you they know
  • Quote:
    Are you kidding me? People are just starting to notice? Girlie, you have lost 99 freakin' lbs! Of course people are noticing and commenting! Did you just buy some new clothes that fit better so that people are finally noticing or has this been going on for awhile?
    no, I took a big break between my first 70 lbs and these last 30 (I had a baby)
  • congrats on your AMAZING weight loss--I know it may seem annoying to you, but I wish I could get some weight loss compliments from people. Just lost a little under 20 lbs since January and no one says anything (It doesn't help I wear a uniform that completely swallows me but trust me it sucks when you are surrounded by colleagues and NOT ONE says anything). I'd take more compliments over none whatsoever any day
  • I used to have a really hard time accepting compliments. I think it's the social norm (or used to be?) to wave them off and then say something self-deprecatiing instead. Which is annoying for the person giving the compliment. I've learned it's easier and nicer to just say "thank you" and move on with the conversation, unless I would like to keep talking about whatever they said.

    Stephhh - do you work in a fairly rigid environment? Maybe people are just trying to be politically correct and not saying anything at all about your weight, because they don't want to offend you, or they're worried someone would think it's inappropriate to comment.
  • I know exactly how you feel! It's nice to get a few compliments, but I feel like lately, it's ALL people want to talk about! I'll go out with some old friends and I have to keep changing the subject! The other thing I noticed is that even though I've lost 50+ lbs over like 14 MONTHS a lot of my friends are accusing me of being anorexic! I think the past few month my size has changed more with fewer lbs loss because I'm getting down there, but still! If I have to have one more conversation that begins with "I just want to make sure you're eating" I'm going to scream! I feel like a compliment is nice, especially since I've worked so hard, but I don't feel like anyone has a right to have lengthy conversations about my body (except me!).

    I do think it's funny when a few of my friends ask how I did it and all I say is "I don't eat as much and I work out more" and they just stare blankly at me!
  • CharlieBaby>>

    Yep you got it--I'm in the military actually, and since it's mostly men, they don't tend to compliment us ladies on anything really.