I might be the fattest...

  • So, this morning I dragged my sleepy butt to the gym for a 6AM spin class. I did this class a year ago and I only lasted one class. It totally kicked my butt and I left with my tail between my legs, too embarrassed (and sore) to ever attempt it again. (I'm more of a runner anyway!)

    But right now my running bra is too small ::sigh:: and spinning was the only group fitness class offered this morning, so I went for it.

    And, while I was very nearly the fattest person in the room, I was definitely not the least fit! I was able to keep up this time around! I stayed with the cadence and stayed out of my seat the whole time I was supposed to. And there were other "skinnier" people in the room (the ones who I'm always so intimidated by) who weren't keeping up as well!

    So, I know it's not healthy to compare myself to other people at the gym. It's a habit that has been 25 years in the making, though. I'm working on it, I promise. It just felt good to be able to keep up and see that maybe I'm not as bad as I make myself believe sometimes.
  • Go Girl!! CONGRATS!!!!
  • That is so awesome! Go you! I've always wanted to try spinning but I'm very intimidated. I'm impressed!
  • Good job! I'm not sure I'd like spinning. Those skinny seats on bikes make my butt hurt.
  • Thanks, everyone! The seat is definitely a challenge. I have biking shorts with a padded butt (like I need any extra padding back there!) that seem to help.
  • Whoot. Keep up the great work.
  • Good for you! I think that's awesome. I've been eyeing some spinning classes, but know I'd end up with my tail between my legs and too embarassed to ever go back...
  • evoo-- Just jump in there! If I can do it, anyone can. But I do highly recommend the padded butt cycling shorts.
  • Cycling shorts? On second thought, maybe spinning is not for me...
  • How awesome! Sounds like a great workout!
  • Keep it up! Intimidate those skinny girls.