I'm so frustrated!!

  • My back was bothering me a little a few days ago but after my run this morning my back is killing me. I have no clue what I did and I don't know what to do to make it better. My husband suggested that I stop running until my back feels totally better. Even though I hate the thought of that I know that it's what is probably best. I'm just worried that all the hard work I just did to lose 14lbs is going to go down the drain and I'll have to start all over again. Plus...I'm supposed to be finishing up Week 5 of C25K on Friday and I hate the thought of losing my progress in that as well. I could just scream I'm so frustrated....
  • Don't worry; the weight won't just pile back on because you burn 200 fewer calories per day for the next week. If you've changed your eating habits, you'll probably keep losing, just a little slower.

    But if you're worried, hop in the pool! Whenever my mother gets aches or pains, she does a non-weight-bearing exercise like swimming instead.
  • Have you ever gone to a chiropractor?? I SWEAR by them!! Anytime my back gets all outta wack, whether it be muscle spasms or lower back pain, the chiropractor always works miracles!! You could be up and running in no time!

    It might not be a bad idea to see one if you can. My chiropractor showed me this interesting article about our backs and spines. Did you know when you actually feel back pain, it means whatever problem you have is pretty far progressed? As in our spine and back control so many things. When we have back problems they can effect everything from our nerves to our digestive system to urinary health! ...and pain is the last symptom you will actually get with back problems. So if you're having pain, the problem is probably effecting other things that you might not realize.

    I was skeptical, but after I went everything improved! I stopped getting headaches, and my digestive system was even more regular!
  • I feel ya. I'm still on the bench from my knee injury. I want to get back to C25K sooooo bad!